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5 B2E Best Practices for Small Businesses

The 3 C's of Communication.

5 B2E Best Practices for Small Businesses

14th February 2016


The business-to-employee (B2E) marketing approach is arguably one of the easiest ways for small businesses to authentically build long-lasting brand advocacy. Connecting your employees with the brand is not only good for the company, but good for the employees as well.

The 3 C’s of Communication: Ensure you are communicating clearly, consistently and at a cadence that your employees will benefit from. Hollands recommends utilizing such tactics as internal newsletters, a regularly scheduled all-company meeting or email announcements as ways to build your brand ambassadors starting from the inside out.

“What does this mean for ME?”: When building out your internal communications program, you’ll need to understand what your audience cares about and tailor the messages accordingly.

Multiple channels: Just as you would for your external marketing efforts, leverage multiple channels to communicate your key messaging. Holland suggests intranets, webinars and printed collateral as ways to keep your employees engaged.

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