Running a small business is challenging and you may not have the time or budget to launch a major public relations campaign, but that doesn’t mean you cannot launch an affordable one. In his debut article Rich Kahn, founder and CEO of provides five ways you can raise awareness for your brand, and not break the bank. To gain visibility on a budget consider the following:
Thought leadership. Invest in writing about thoughts on your industry, unique trends and interesting observations. Kahn sites an example of River Pool and Spas, who during the economic recession in 2009 began answering questions that his potential customers would type into a search engine. His blog posts began to rank organically showing authority in his industry and his sales increased as a result.
College connection. Working with a local college or university can benefit both small businesses and students alike. Students looking for internships can gain a unique perspective on what it’s like to work in their chosen field, and you can gain a unique perspective from someone who may or may not understand your industry. These students can assist you with your PR efforts with a fairly minimal financial commitment.
Co-brand with clients. A case study is an excellent way to share your client’s success and leverage your own. These joint efforts make for excellent press releases and strong end-of-the-funnel sales content as well. Once completed, both companies can use this case study to solicit new customers and reach out to the media as well.