Marketing doesn’t operate on a one-size-fits-all model, explains Brandlective. The firm has outlined the differences between marketing for big brands compared to the needs of smaller start-ups.
Whilst the foundations and principles of marketing may be the same across the board, different businesses require different approaches if they are to have the desired impact on their target audience. Brandlective Communications, a London based online marketing agency, is concerned that when it comes to small businesses, many start up owners are thinking too much like a big brand, and damaging their market presence in the process. Smaller businesses have unique needs and marketing a start-up as if it is a small business is dangerous territory, not just because it can lead an owner to invest too heavily in marketing and jeopardise the financials, but because small businesses need to retain their close knit relationships with their customers and taking inspiration from large corporations is only going to create barriers and make these relationships harder to keep.