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DHL Puts Spotlight on Trade and Worldwide Prosperity

The new campaign underscores the influence of global trade on people’s well-being.

DHL Puts Spotlight on Trade and Worldwide Prosperity

23rd March 2015


DHL, the world´s leading logistics provider, today launched its new brand campaign with the tagline “The Power of Global Trade.” The campaign’s guiding theme is the deep connection between trade and logistics and the impact it has in improving people´s lives. The concept comprises print ads, advertisements in online and Out-of-Home media, as well as TV spots and Social Media measures. Along with a Group-wide internal brand campaign “Connecting people. Improving lives,” this new emotional positioning of the DHL brand becomes a truly integrated 360-degree approach.

“We want to emotionalize the brand DHL more strongly to differentiate us from our competitors”

The new campaign underscores the influence of global trade on people’s well-being and the important role DHL plays within this area. “We want to emotionalize the brand DHL more strongly to differentiate us from our competitors,” explains Christof Ehrhart, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications and Responsibility at Deutsche Post DHL Group. “Global trade is the engine that drives economic growth as well as individual prosperity across all continents on the planet. The campaign shows DHL as a responsible logistics provider which connects people and improves their lives. By telling the story that global trade makes the world a better place, we build a strong and optimistic platform for the value logistics brings to society.”

The new ad campaign includes two emotional TV spots, in which DHL and global trade are showcased as enablers of education in Africa and medical care in South America. Additionally, a short film featuring DHL employees from Namibia and Chile is available online. Creative agency 180 Amsterdam commissioned the multi-award winning director Frederic Planchon to shoot the spots. The integrated campaign also includes online advertising, print ads in selected business publications and Out-of-Home advertising.

Media agency MEC will support DHL with a two-fold media strategy: TV spots and print ads will run on media with pan-global reach as well as on national level in six defined core markets, including China, Germany, India, Mexico, UK, and the U.S.

The campaign is also supported by Deutsche Post DHL Group CEO Frank Appel. In collaboration with the English-language broadcast channel, “Deutsche Welle,” he participated in a talk show where he discussed the opportunities and risks of global trade. He shared his insights on how global trade helps build prosperity for individuals, businesses and countries. Further activities with a similar scope are planned for the remainder of the year.

Categories: Advice, Articles, Logistics

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