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6 Smart Ideas for Building a Strong Employer Brand

Every company wants to hire the best possible people for each position and is always looking to recruit top talent.…

6 Smart Ideas for Building a Strong Employer Brand

29th October 2021

Employer Branding

Every company wants to hire the best possible people for each position and is always looking to recruit top talent. And even though many businesses offer great job opportunities, they don’t get nearly enough high-quality applicants because they don’t have a strong employer brand.

Companies with a strong employer brand see 50% more applicants. If you want to attract the right talent, you need to focus on building your employer brand. When you position yourself as a brand people want to work for, you’ll have no issues attracting the right applicants.

And here is how to do that.


Utilize social media

Today’s younger generations don’t find jobs as people used to in the old days, and one of the most popular ways of getting hired for the Millennial and Gen Z generations is via social media. In fact, 73% of job seekers between the ages of 18 and 34 found their last job through social media.

Your social media platforms are a great place for you to build your employer brand and give insight into it to favorable talent. You can highlight information that shows what makes your company a great employer and also show appreciation for your current employees across all platforms.

However, before you can utilize social media for building your employer brand, you need to grow your following. Without followers, you can’t reach people. For instance, if you use Instagram as your main platform, you need to learn how to grow Instagram followers who will help your business expand. If you can’t do this on your own, try hiring a marketing agency.


Organize lunch and learn programs

A business with a strong employer brand treats its employees right and always finds ways to show appreciation. A great way to treat your employees to a social event that also gives them a chance to learn something new is to organize a lunch and learn program.

Lunch and learns are short programs that take place at the worker’s lunch break during which employees of a company discuss a new strategy or key topics important to the company. They’re a great opportunity for colleagues to bond and share experiences and knowledge.

These programs provide a chance for colleagues to get to know each other on a more personal level, support professional development, and offer a space for discussion. Hoppier has some great lunch and learn program ideas in case you need any inspiration for what to do during these activities.


Use current employees as brand ambassadors

You can’t ask for a better brand ambassador than a satisfied employee. The reason why your current employees are great brand ambassadors is that their endorsement is authentic. When potential candidates see how satisfied they are with your company, it will strengthen your employer brand.

The most important thing about using this strategy for strengthening your employer brand is to allow employees to be honest when promoting and recommending your business.

Create a social media campaign that’s centered on individual employees in all departments of your company and let every employee talk about their personal experience with your company. They can talk about what they love about working for you and their favorite perks that come with the job.


Interact with potential candidates early on

It’s never too soon to start thinking about the next generation of employees. One of the best ways to make yourself known to potential future employees is to attend university events for your industry where you have a chance to make graduates notice your company.

During these events, you’ll have a chance to present your company and your industry to people who don’t have the necessary experience yet and are looking for guidance. And when the time comes for them to enter the workforce, your company will be the first that comes to their mind.


Understand different generations

Generational differences have always been present in all aspects of life, and that includes company culture and employer branding. Within most companies, there are employees from multiple generations, spanning from the baby boomer generation all the way to Gen Z.

Each of these generations has different expectations from their employer, and you need to understand how those expectations differ and find the best ways to cater to them.

For example, while baby boomers and Generation X are used to the classic 9-to-5 workday and prefer it to any other regimen, Millennials and Gen Z like to have a flexible work schedule.


Stand out from your competitors

No matter what industry you’re in, you probably have countless competitors looking to hire the same type of people as you are. To make sure you’re the one who gets the best candidates and the best talent, you need to find ways to show why your company is the best choice.

Identify what makes your business so different from all of your competitors. When you figure it out, highlight your differences across your websites, social media pages, and LinkedIn profiles.


Final thoughts

Every company wants to have the best employees and hire great talent. But you can only attract the best if you offer great working conditions, an amazing company culture, and most importantly of all, have a strong employer brand. And if you follow the tips you just read about, that is exactly what you will achieve.

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