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How Private Education Sector is Thriving

The UK private education sector educates more than 600,000 children in about 2,500 schools. Also known as "independent schools", these…

How Private Education Sector is Thriving

1st February 2022

Private Education

The UK private education sector educates more than 600,000 children in about 2,500 schools. Also known as “independent schools”, these private institutions charge fees to students instead of being funded by the government. As such, pupils are not required to adhere to the national curriculum. 

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the private education sector is booming, with school closures and fears of infection driving significant demand for online teaching. Several UK education firms have said that there has been an increase in online tuition in the past year as parents have anticipated and responded to the government decision to indefinitely close schools. Meanwhile, several agencies have said that some wealthy families have requested that tutors go into isolation with them in some remote country estates.

Here’s how the private education sector is thriving these days. 

1. Better Marketing 

Many families have switched to private schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the economic crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, many parents are switching to independent institutions regardless of the price tag. That’s because many private schools in the UK are spending more money on better marketing. 

Over the past year, there has been an unprecedented interest from the public school community seeking entry into private schools. Private schools, which generally have more spacious campuses and smaller classroom capacities, often demonstrated more flexibility when reopening classes. As a result, families can send their kids to school in person, which alleviates the burden on parents, and in most cases, allows them to come to work or take up jobs from home.

Surveys show that most parents are more likely to prefer private education for their children post-pandemic. Of course, these schools come with a price, but parents are aware that it is all worth it. In fact, there have been concerns about the different levels of resources available in private and public schools. The government has committed to increasing state school spending, but this pledge got lost over time, mainly due to the lack of specifics. The issue has long been gone, but the gap in spending between private and public schools is still evident.

2. Building Strong Human Resource Departments 

Human Resource (HR) specialists are responsible for recruiting and interviewing potential candidates and handling tasks associated with payroll and benefits. In a school system, the HR specialist performs a variety of roles related to the employment of teachers, support staff, education specialists, and auxiliary personnel, such as maintenance workers and administrative assistants. Given the various roles that HR professionals play in a school system, it’s not surprising why many schools in Edinburgh are advertising HR jobs. They know that HR professionals can help schools function and run more effectively. It’s also a more cost-effective option for managing school staff.

Having a strong Human Resource Department in school is essential. It helps the institution in using Human Resources in the best possible way. Some of the most important staff in a school are the teachers, business staff, and the principal. Hence, the human resource department in schools is a crucial area to focus on. Schools often have plenty of Human Resources, and they must manage these resources well if they want to remain competitive. This is where the HR department plays an important role. With the presence of a strong HR team, teachers will be more motivated to teach, which improves students’ performance. In addition, human resource management can help teachers become more efficient in their roles, and having efficient teachers can help in the better development of students.

When hiring and retaining the best teachers and school staff, utmost attention must be given. Remember, these employees will be responsible for the administration of the school. So, having an efficient human resource team could mean having efficient school administrators. Any issues that teachers have can be easily addressed through human resource management. Moreover, the HR team can help in the proper training of teachers.

3. Quality Educational Training 

UK universities have been strongly featured in world rankings ever since they started, thanks to their commitment to high-quality education. This high quality can be found across the country, with seven of the world’s top fifty universities are n the UK. Many universities have invested in teacher personal development to maintain this high-quality standard in education, including providing training on safeguarding awareness like e-safety.

The country’s higher education institutions are held to strict standards by the UK government, which guarantees that students will get the east teaching, support, and resources. These universities combine traditional lectures and innovative teaching techniques to encourage problem-solving skills, independent thinking, and self-motivation.

Education is an important requirement for all fields of profession, and the teacher is the pilot of the entire educational system. Therefore, it’s essential to develop competent teachers through quality educational training courses to benefit future generations. Skilful, excellent, and competent teachers are necessary for shaping the future generation. Thus, quality educational training programs are essential to address future world challenges.

Teachers are not only responsible for teaching the syllabus. They must also impart proper values and skills that enable students to seek a good path in society by identifying right and wrong and treating everyone equally. For those considering a teaching career in a UK state school, you will need to possess a degree, as well as a recognized teaching qualification. There are teacher training programs across the UK that offer a combination of academic study and time in school while learning about essential teaching methods. These programs are broadly similar, but the statutory teaching standards and entry requirements would differ, depending on which part of the country you plan to train or teach.

The consistently high quality of education that the UK is known for has made the country a firm favourite with international students worldwide and has helped keep the country at the forefront of global research. The country ranks second for science and research, while 54% of the output is world leading. When studying in the UK, you can be sure that you will be working alongside some of the world’s best talents.

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