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How to create the right recruitment plan for your business

Having a strategic hiring plan and recruitment strategy in place is key to ensuring you’re hiring for the right roles…

How to create the right recruitment plan for your business

3rd March 2021

Having a strategic hiring plan and recruitment strategy in place is key to ensuring you’re hiring for the right roles and hiring the right candidates for these positions.

If you’re unsure how to build your recruitment strategy plan, we’ve outlined our top recruitment tips to help your hire as efficiently as possible and see your business achieve it’s long-term and short-term goals.

If you’re looking for recruitment support with your hires this year, we can help find you exceptional talent to grow your teams and scale up your business. Check out our hiring services and get in touch today.


1. Assess the skills gap and define your goals

The first and one of the most important steps to creating a recruitment plan is to identify where your skills gaps lie, and any gaps that your current employees can’t fill. This will allow you to clearly see which areas you need to focus on hiring for.

Take into consideration important factors such as potential promotions, employee turnover, any upcoming projects, and areas you want to develop. We recommend having discussions with all your Team Leaders to gather all the information you need to decide where to focus your recruitment efforts.

It’s important to think about what your business wants to achieve on a large scale this year, and then work backwards to see which areas need to improve to ensure these goals are met.

Once you have clear goals and targets, it’s beneficial to build a recruitment calendar outlining the positions you need to hire for per quarter and a hiring timeline for when you want to make each hire.


2. Analyse your current hiring process and use other recruitment resources

It’s then important to revisit your current hiring process and highlight any areas that need to be improved. Ask yourself some of these questions: have previous hires taken too long? Could our employee retention rate be improved? Have we easily found the right candidates for our roles? Have our job vacancies been popular?

Asking these questions is important to re-align your recruitment processes and change areas that weren’t working so well before. You can then clearly see if you need to work on your employee value proposition, develop your recruitment marketing channels, employee referrals or reach out to a recruitment agency.

As a top UK recruitment agency, we’ll work closely alongside your business to discover your unique goals and help you develop a hiring plan that is completely tailored to these.

Whether you’re looking to recruit sales staff or hire marketers, we can find you the perfect candidates who will thrive in your role and take your business to new heights.


3. Have a clear outline of the requirements for each position

Hiring the right person centres around having a solid idea of the requirements and qualities of candidates for each position you’re hiring for. Spend some time thinking about the characteristics, skills and qualifications that are essential for candidates to have, keeping your business goals in mind.

It’s a useful idea to discuss this with your Hiring Managers and Team Leaders to build a clear picture of the ideal candidate(s) you’re looking for. This will then allow you to write a thorough and accurate job description, helping suited and qualified candidates to apply to your vacancy.


4. Allocate a recruitment budget

A well-planned recruitment budget will help your company achieve its hiring goals and help provide a roadmap for how and where to spend your time and money. Start by looking at costs from previous years and review your targets for the upcoming year.

Your recruitment budget should include:

  • External recruitment costs – job boards, advertising methods, recruitment agencies
  • Internal recruitment costs – training, salary, onboarding
  • Onboarding costs – software, background checks, IT equipment

Having a clear budget in place will then allow you to see the effectiveness of your company hiring and influence your future funding and strategic direction.

It’s also important to mention that your recruitment costs will likely increase or decrease throughout the year as you shift your strategy and use new processes but having budget guidelines in place will make this easier to stick to.



5. Look to improve employee retention and turnover

A fundamental step in your recruitment plan is to ensure you have an effective onboarding process in place. Having a structured and well-planned onboarding procedure will help increase your employee retention and turnover and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your new hires.

Before creating an onboarding plan it’s important to consider what you want to achieve through onboarding and what you are expecting of the employee, and in what time frame? Make sure to keep your goals realistic and tailored, you don’t want to overwhelm a new employee, but it’s also important to ensure your new hire is equipped to start working towards their goals.

Our top tip before your new hire starts, is to ensure that all the contacts are ready, prepare all company-wide procedures including IT onboarding and HR. Once your new hire has started, we recommend integrating your new hire to the team as quickly as possible.

It’s beneficial to give your new hire a schedule for the first day, month and the next three months, outlining what you expect from them and what they can expect from you, so you’re all on the same page and new starters are aware of your expectations.

For more tips on how to improve employee retention, we’ve put together our complete onboarding process with our expert tips on efficiently integrating your new hire.


Since 2009 we’ve supported the growth of over 800 companies, from early stage start-ups to SME’s to global tech giants. With over 10 years of recruitment expertise, we are talent sourcing experts and can confidently find your business the perfect new hires this year.

So, whether you are looking for support with building your hiring plan or need to recruit exceptional candidates quickly, get in touch and discover our award-winning recruitment services.

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