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How to Get Your Business Ready for Online Education

The world turned on its head, and after a year of tumbling around, most industries and businesses are just now…

How to Get Your Business Ready for Online Education

27th May 2021

Business education

The world turned on its head, and after a year of tumbling around, most industries and businesses are just now getting their bearings. Nearly overnight, the world switched from working in an office to working remotely.

Now, everything seems to be remote, and as it turns out, people seem to like the option of off-site working. 

Yet, as industries are shaking off the shock, they also need to come to grips with this new normal and figure out how to proceed with remote operations long-term. Even though the threat may be passing, the scars are fresh, and people are cautious about going back to their “old” lives.

While that can be all well and good for daily operations, what is your business doing about continued learning? Is your business ready for online education? 

Whether you are looking for online accelerated BSN programs to help close the gap of available nurses or you simply want to supply continuing education for your workers, this article will explain how to get your business ready for online instruction:   


Gather Information

When you commence your idea to offer online education for your employees, you want to gather information like you would for any other decision. You should consult your workers by taking a survey, a poll, or just bringing it up during a meeting.

You need to gather this information the best way possible for your specific organization, but getting this intel is essential. This information gathering will help set the course for the rest of the actions taken for getting ready for online education.


Shop Around

If you are going to provide online education for your employees, you need to know what is available for the expertise you need.

After all, you don’t want to be waiting years for your next foreman or manager to get their certification. You want to know what is available, a possible timeframe, and what you are looking to offer first. 

Plus, you want to know how much (both in time and money) the online education candidate will be missing work to pursue their certification. 

While many programs will likely work with your business to accommodate you, some certifications require time during business hours. You need to be aware of this and have an idea of how to handle it.


Come Up with a Plan

When you are implementing anything in business, you want to come up with a plan. So, if you decide to move forward with online education, this initiative should not be different. 

You need to develop a plan of what you need, what you intend to offer, and who you intend to extend the offer to first.

The plan you come up with should have at least two parts: Short-term and long-term.

The short-term plan should be the actions you want to take first:


  • The certifications you want to offer
  • The list of people you want to get the certifications
  • Specifics on how to handle financials
  • Time constraints and other related issues  


The long-term plan should encompass your future goals if the initial offerings go well:


  • Which certifications would you like to offer in the future
  • The time frames between being hired and being eligible for certifications
  • Contractual obligations of those who work for you and get certified (if applicable)


Expand Gradually

Once the plan is in place and you get the ball rolling for online education, you want to keep this new endeavor manageable. You don’t want to take on too much too soon. There will likely be issues that you need to deal with along the way. So, you always want to mitigate your risk.

To mitigate your risk as successfully as possible, you want to start slow and expand gradually.


Ensure the Benefits Match the Investment

Always remember that your business is not a charity. The reason you are even considering online education is to help your business thrive. While it does help your employees, ultimately, having certified employees helps your business. 

So, after a couple of rounds of certifications, ensure that the benefits match (or exceed) the investment. If you are losing money, you cannot continue certification programs at that level.

Fortunately, with investing in certifications and online education, the benefits to your company should be fairly easy to see.

Ultimately, everything from commuting to the day-to-day business routine has gone through a transformation. Yet, when it comes to continuing education and certifying those in your business looking for more responsibility, most companies are still uncertain of how to proceed. However, if you follow this article’s guidance, you will be well on your way to getting ready for online education.

Categories: Advice, Articles

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