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How To Improve Your Staff Benefits And Perks This Year

Staff retention is one of the main challenges faced by many companies nowadays. People often spend the majority of their…

How To Improve Your Staff Benefits And Perks This Year

23rd May 2023

Staff retention is one of the main challenges faced by many companies nowadays. People often spend the majority of their time working, which can cause various issues. For example, if they sit at a desk for more than 40 hours a week, this can result in lower back pain and other health concerns. Also, employees may struggle to draw the lines between work and life if they work from home. However, you can take steps to enhance employee benefits and offer perks that improve their quality of life. Today we will present you with some ideas that you may want to explore this year.

Ask Employees To Share Their Thoughts

One of the most important things you can do is to ask employees what benefits and perks they would prefer to have. Although this is a simple step, many employers forget about consulting their employees first. You may discover that there are certain things that your employees don’t value as much as you thought. Therefore, you may consider removing some of the perks that are already in place and adding new ones, which will work better for your employees. Also, it will give you a chance to check how employees are feeling and whether there is something else you can do to support them in their roles.

Introduce New Initiatives

There are plenty of initiatives, that you can introduce to help your employees get access to great deals and save some money. For example, you may want to research different salary sacrifice scheme packages. LV ElectriX offers a great electric car salary sacrifice scheme, that can help employees save up to 40% on the cost of an electric vehicle. Also, this can be a fantastic strategy to implement if you are also trying to improve sustainability within your company. Be sure to book a consultation with the team at LV ElectriX to find out more.

Invest In Personal And Professional Development

Don’t forget to think about your employees’ personal and professional development, as you would want them to feel stimulated at work. It can be beneficial to arrange for them to take part in courses or classes online and in person so that they can develop valuable skills. Also, make sure you set aside some time to discuss their goals and plans for the future. Remember to clarify opportunities for progression within the company so that they are aware of their options.

Provide Health-Related Benefits

It’s crucial to show employees that you care about their physical and mental health. There are a few key things you can do to create a healthy workspace. Encourage them to stay fit by providing them with free gym memberships or access to meditation apps. Make sure that they get regular breaks throughout the day so that they can stretch their bodies and switch their minds off. It can be a good idea to get a variety of healthy snacks, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, or energy bars. This can lead to increased productivity and motivation, ensuring they feel at their best all the time.

Recognise Your Employees

Recognition can go a long way, especially if employees have spent a long time working on a difficult project or chasing clients. Therefore, it’s important to show employees that you appreciate their efforts and hard work in a variety of ways. This way, their sense of purpose will soar, so they will be more excited to come to work and do their best.

You may want to consider:

  • giving out additional performance bonuses
  • sending thank-you notes
  • offering vouchers and discounts
  • taking your team out to dinner
  • offering them extra days off
  • giving continuous feedback
  • sharing success stories on social media
  • hosting company awards

Ensure Flexibility

Flexibility is another key factor, that you shouldn’t overlook, as most employees nowadays look for freedom and flexibility. For example, you may want to provide flexible start and finish times so employees can fit other commitments around their schedules. Additionally, offering the option to work from home a few days a week can help employees save time and money on commuting. If there are new parents in your office, it can be a nice gesture to offer them extended paid time off.

Try Team-Building Activities

Team-building activities can provide your employees with the chance to get to know other co-workers and have fun together outside of working hours. However, at the same time they can help improve team collaboration and communication between employees from different departments. Moreover, organising team-building events may encourage employees to explore their strengths and address their weaknesses in different situations. Also, they will be given the chance to think creatively, which can assist them in day-to-day work responsibilities. There are lots of great examples of team-building activities that you and your team can get involved in, such as escape rooms, scavenger hunts, or other challenges.

Categories: Articles, Creative

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