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How Traffic Control Measures Can Prevent Accidents in Industrial Sites

At industrial worksites, there’s a lot going on. These spaces often go beyond the mild chaos of a construction site…

How Traffic Control Measures Can Prevent Accidents in Industrial Sites

16th October 2024

At industrial worksites, there’s a lot going on. These spaces often go beyond the mild chaos of a construction site into a more widespread and organized system, which requires a lot of complex planning to operate effectively.

Of course, for everyone who is used to working in these kinds of environments, none of this might sound like anything outside of the ordinary. However, all it takes is one disruption to have a knock-on effect that sets everyone back. This is obviously an undesirable outcome, meaning that knowing about simple solutions to deal with it can give you peace of mind.

Directing Flow

In such environments, people need to be kept on track, and new people entering the space need to know exactly where to go. Just as importantly, though, they need to know where not to go. If you put up certain barriers or other temporary structures in the way of certain entrances, you can inform people entering that they shouldn’t be accessing such spaces until told otherwise. Barriers and access management can have a lot of utility by simply allowing workers to shepherd the greater flow of the site.

Understandably, this can come in especially handy if the site is large enough to where vehicles are entering to collect or drop off materials – in which case, you want to avoid congesting the roads with any wrong turns or incidents.

A Human Guide

As is the case with situations like when temporary traffic lights are installed at a construction site to guide traffic through the newly-created obstruction, having an employee manually guide the traffic can be valuable here.

Entering an industrial worksite can be overwhelming – especially for those who are unfamiliar with the specifics of this one. Having someone just point at where they need to go can help to keep things moving, preventing congestion and ensuring that productivity isn’t negatively affected. While this does mean that you have to ensure that someone is available to help out with the flow of traffic, taking away from your workforce in other areas, you might also deem that this is a worthy use of their time. After all, if vehicles aren’t getting where they need to be on time, that’s going to have impacts beyond that of one misplaced worker.

Simple Lights

A green light to go and a red light to stop. This is something that’s understood by an incredibly large number of people, and it means that implementing similar lights throughout your site can help to control access as you see fit. This can be especially helpful when it comes to safety, due to the changeable nature of some areas within industrial sites.

For example, if something is currently getting lifted or moved, that means that the area in question isn’t safe for people to enter – meaning a red light placed outside can help to prevent incidents. Once the object has been safely moved, a green light can indicate that business can resume as normal.

Categories: Articles, Logistics

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