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Issue 12 2022.

In this month’s edition, we are celebrating those businesses who are ending the year on a high, thanks to their…

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Issue 12 2022

7th December 2022

Welcome to the December issue of Corporate Vision Magazine. A monthly publication dedicated to delivering the latest insight and news from across the corporate landscape.

In this month’s edition, we are celebrating those businesses who are ending the year on a high, thanks to their consistent delivering of outstanding services and setting shining examples for their industries. The festive period is not only a time for winding down, resting, and recharging, but also for reflecting on the successes that have got our businesses so far.

From an AI data provider and IT service company to a fertility care platform and child protection organisation, each of these businesses are on a mission to make peoples’ lives easier, and even create or save them. As trees are adorned in bright colours and fairy lights twinkle, our businesses take a moment to bask in the recognition that they so very deserve for all of their hard work.

We find ourselves feeling very inspired and delighted indeed, and we hope you feel the same as you read through the stories in this issue. The team at Corporate Vision hopes you are flourishing and that you enjoy the festivities to come over the next month. We look forward to welcoming you back for our next issue in the new year.

Read Our Other Issues.

Corporate Vision is published monthly on our digital platform with the mission. Corporate Vision is published monthly on our digital platform with the mission.


4th July 2016

Issue 11 2021

15th November 2021


10th March 2017

Issue 7 2019

19th July 2019