Artificial Intelligence Awards 2021
Dec21487 Best Forest Management AI & Aerial Data Analytics Specialists 2021 SKYLAB develops and applies deep learning and advanced aerial data analytics using drone, plane and satellite imagery for fully digitalised forest management, from seedling survival and weed monitoring to full timber and carbon stock inventories, as well as monitoring of forest health and harvesting operations. SKYLAB’s forest AI provides accurate information covering 100% of the clients’ forest and plantation, so they can save considerable time and costs whilst gaining more detailed information on the state of their assets. Made in Germany, SKYLAB enables more efficient and targeted forest management with precision forestry for forest management companies, forest plantation operators, timber producers, and national forestry authorities worldwide. So, how does it work? First, the drone, plane and satellite imagery is analysed – This can process in normal colour RGB, multispectral, hyperspectral or LiDAR data, selecting the most efficient data source for the task at hand. Drones are an easy and cost-effective way of gathering data, since they mostly fly autonomously. They are also simple to handle, and can capture up to several hundred hectares of image data per day. The client can either fly their own drone, get a service provider to fly for them, or ask SKYLAB for help. Image quality is of crucial importance for accurate analysis results; in order to get top-quality data, SKYLAB will advise the client on the best drone and camera for the job, and tell them the right flight settings for perfect mission-planning. Next comes the process. The data is simply uploaded to the SKYLABcloud so SKYLAB can take care of the rest. Alternatively, for satellite imagery, the company will advise on the best data source and collect the image data itself. SKYLAB will seek to learn the client’s goals and challenges, such as: Do you want to quantify seedling survival, vitality and weed presence? Monitor forest health and change? Determine stocking densities and height statistics of more mature plantations? Or even develop full digital inventories for timber or carbon stock? Once SKYLAB has the right data, it can conduct a standard quality check and then apply the most suitable processing methodologies from its toolbox to gain optimal results. Lastly, as a team of geoinformatics, engineers and forestry experts, SKYLAB will combine a thorough understanding of forest management with advanced data analytics and deep learning with convolutional neural networks. The resulting data and detailed maps are geared towards direct and practical application in the client’s day-to-day forest management practices. The results can be made available in various formats, including vectorised datafiles for easy integration into the client’s GIS tools. The client can even view the results on their mobile device anywhere in the field. SKYLAB can help the client get the most out of the results by assisting them with the integration into their management system, if required, as well as with the further interpretation of the results to achieve their desired objectives. With regards to the industry that SKYLAB operates in, the entire timber market has unfortunately been paralysed worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the forestry industry has reduced investments in new, useful technologies. However, many of SKYLAB’s customers have understood that the use of the company’s technologies is particularly advantageous in a crisis, as it can optimise costs, among other things-. SKYLAB is now looking ahead with one of its main focuses being working on the full automation of some of its products, such as Change Monitor, which does what it says on the tin: it provides users with a full overview of forest health and changes. Results will be available to customers in a user-friendly way via the SKYLABcloud platform, making it even easier for clients to use the product successfully. Company: SKYLAB aerial vegetation mapping GmbH Contact: Alexander von Engel Email: Website: Artificial Intelligence Awards 2021 13
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