A r tSi mc ai al ll BI nutsei lnl iegsesnAc we Aa rwd as r2d0s 2230|29 fi 3 | 9 expand and solidify the platform’s user base, as well as providing a wider range of services to an increasing number of companies. This will be no easy feat, particularly given the constantly changing status of the industry and how quickly AI develops. As Neil points out, “it took smart phones 16 years to achieve 100m users. In 2023 ChatGPT clocked-up 100m users in just two months. AI is a technology wave that is so fast, many people are still trying to understand how to best use it and apply it in their organisations.” Neil and the team are aware that it will take much more than adopting AI to stand out and thrive, and to this end, the first half of this year will see the team partner with international strategic design consultancy Chemistry, and work with UK business productivity leaders Be The Business, partnering with the latter on ventures in the realm of SMEs. A sister tool has also been introduced, Business Sparks, which also utilises the power of AI to improve SME creative thinking about business models and strategies, which can lead to improved productivity and competitiveness. The World Economic Forum has identified that analytical thinking and creative thinking are the two highest priorities for businesses to instil in their workforce globally. With both Design Sparks and Business Sparks supporting cognitive skill development and creative thinking, they effectively prepare both individuals and businesses for a future where these skills are increasingly highly sought after. Contact: Neil Maiden, [email protected] Company: Bayes Business School Web Address: designsparks.io Unlocking that all-important next level for service, product, and UX/UI designers, the Design Sparks team have been exploring AI for a decade prior to the mainstream explosion of chatbots over the past year. Design Sparks is programmed to process information using different creative thinking techniques, so users can use them without training or facilitation. And, with the launch of powerful AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, the team have integrated them into their service, even though the search and retrieval parsing element is only a small function, compared to the unique heuristic reasoning programme that makes up the heart of Design Sparks. As Professor Neil Maiden tells us, “We effectively use cognitive science principles that revolve around ‘how humans think’ and apply programmed problem-solving methodologies like SCAMPER, constraint removal, creativity triggers, and more, to prompt the user to explore their problem statement and both generate and then edit down ideas.” Another key part of this is the incorporation of circular design, something that has been implemented thanks to partnerships with both the UK’s Design Council and Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Through this process, prompts generated can be tailored to include solutions that prevent waste and pollution, offering product ideas that are durable, reusable, and recyclable. Essentially, the platform serves as the sort of high calibre facilitator who would charge hundreds of pounds an hour for their services, with the only difference being that Design Sparks’ AI facilitator is free, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moreover, since the platform has been developed by a world-class university research team at CebAI (Centre for Creativity enabled by AI), located at London’s prestigious Bayes Business School, it boasts the claim of remaining constantly up to date. Neil explains, “our team of expert academics and experienced business leaders are building on decades of applied research in the fields of creative problem solving, design methodologies, and new technology.” The team behind this exciting development possess a wealth of experience in academia and business, with onhand specialists spanning fields such as digital creativity, innovation, and leadership. It is Neil’s job to coordinate strategic direction and leadership initiatives, and he works closely with CebAI’s Managing Director Ms Sam Steele, and Technical Lead Dr. Konstantinos Zachos, along with a small team of specialists in the field of coding, creativity and design, to nurture a work culture that is friendly, fair, and built around constant development and mastery of the subject. In 2024, this team have a set of incredibly specific goals that they aim to achieve, building on previous success to Design Sparks is an incredibly powerful product for service designers and stakeholders. It takes the user through a creative problem solving process leading to new and innovative solutions. Using this pioneering tool, individuals and teams can develop ideas in minutes rather than hours, conserving resources and increasing productivity. More collaborative than standard AI chatbots, Design Sparks does not simply return existing information from the internet. It combines artificial intelligence with creative thinking techniques to prompt the user think more creatively. Professor Neil Maiden tells us more about this pioneering design platform. Best Enhanced UX Design Platform - UK Dec23300