2019 CV Business Innovator Awards
4 Corporate Vision - Business Innovator Awards 2019 , WINDBOUYY AG Leading Innovators in Wind Turbine Technology 2019 &Most Leading-Edge Wind Turbine Solution: WINDBUOYY Jun19198 A pioneer in thewind turbinemarket, WINDBUOYYTechnology, developed in Berlin, is a FloatingWind Turbine system, which permits installation of OffshoreWind Turbines virtually in anywhere in the ocean and any type of sea. As part of our showcase of a selection of the esteemedwinners of this year’s Business Innovator Awards winners we profile the firm, whichwon not one but two of these highly prized accolades as a result of its innovative technology and unique approach towind turbines. Founded in Berlin in 2016 Windbuoyy AG is an innovative company headquartered in the historic Potsdamer Platz, focusing on technology development in the field of renewable energy. Being one of the earliest entrance gates to the city, Potsdamer Platz is where historically commerce and people gathered outside Berlin’s old customs wall. It is the site to the cold 20th century the Berlin Wall and the modern buildings by great architects. Drawing on this legacy of excellence, WINDBOUYY (WB) aims to bring about a revolution in the wind turbine technology market. Since the beginning the firm’s charter has defined the company activities as technology development and production of energy. WB system utilises a much smaller floater than the other existing Floating Wind Turbine (FWT) technologies; therefore, reduces the Development Cost of Offshore Wind Farms substantially. The technology also enables harvesting abundant wind energy in rougher climate far offshore at high wind speeds, thanks to its ability to minimise vibrations from waves and wind. This solution is a gamechanger in today’s wind turbine technology space. Almost all of existing fixed or floating technologies are limited to the narrow strip of shallow coastal waters, because they have to be fixed to the seabed to be stable. The other existing FWT solution is to use large and heavily ballasted floater structure to stabilise the floating wind turbine, which is in turn expensive; therefore, increasing the capex cost. Typically, the floater contributes up to 65 percent of the overall wind turbine unit capex cost. This makes it clear that any enabling technology shall focus on reducing the cost of floater.
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