2019 CV Business Innovator Awards

6 Corporate Vision - Business Innovator Awards 2019 Taking a new approach, WB’s unique patented technology, the floater can be considerably cheaper than the current FWT system, thus being an enabling technology, it opens doors for several project, which otherwise would not have been economically plausible. Developing this technology would be impossible without an experienced and dedicated team of staff driven towards the same goal. WB has developed a capable and strong team to ensure that it offers innovative and cutting- edge technology. The first scaled prototype of WB Floating Wind Turbine was developed in Berlin and functionality test completed in 2019. This was co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund and the State of Berlin. The project was carried out in collaboration with a research team of the Hermann-Föttinger Institute of the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) using specialized software tools and unique facilities such as a large wind tunnel and 250 m long water tank. WB is on course for development of the first floating offshore wind farm based on its proprietary technology with the mission to provide 100% Clean Offshore Wind Energy from anywhere in the ocean. Central to this mission is the firm’s commitment to continual research and development, and this will remain the driving force behind the coming throughout its bright and exciting future. CONTACT DETAILS: Company: WINDBOUYY AG Name: Houman Amlashi Address: Potsdamer Platz 10, Haus 2, 10785 Berlin Germany Telephone Number: +49 30 93908679 Web Address: www.windbuoyy.de Email Address: [email protected] , “The firm’s turbines enable harvesting abundant energy from high speed wind in deep water ocean far offshore, thanks to its unique technology.” Wind Energy’s Growth Almost 50% of Energy in the World will be from Solar and Wind by 2050.

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