Canadian Business Awards 2022

Dec21508 Best Environmental Technologies Company – Quebec Recognized as Quebec’s Best Environmental Technologies Company, Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. develops appliances that enable any habitat to convert its by-product to resources locally, so that nothing is rejected as waste. Terragon’s appliances generate renewable energy, biochar, and clean water, without causing environmental damage. The approach has been named the Total Resource Utilization (TRU) Habitat and represents a true revolution in waste management. Founded in 2004, Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc.’s mission is to eliminate the damaging practice of traditional waste management. Most people simply export their waste to others, through garbage trucks and sewers. This practice has created a booming waste management industry, while the amount of waste generated keeps increasing along with the damage they cause. In places where the option of exporting the waste is limited, such as ships, remote communities or military operations, the environmental damage of the current practices is most pronounced. Terragon offers a groundbreaking alternative to the destructive current waste management practices. In 2015, Terragon introduced its first commercial appliance for converting materials that cannot be composted or recycled effectively to renewable energy and soil enriching biochar. The technology, known as MAGS (Micro Auto gasification System), can recover more than 2kWh of thermal energy from every kg of waste processed, while sequestering about 50% of the carbon in the form of biochar, and offering exceptionally clean emissions. MAGS won top environmental awards in Canada, the USA, the UK, and Germany, and is being used commercially in numerous applications. In 2018, Terragon introduced a second innovative appliance for cleaning wastewater for reuse. The technology, known as WETT (Wastewater Electrochemical Treatment Technology) can clean water from laundry, sinks and showers (greywater), so that it can be used as utility water for laundry, cleaning and flushing. Wastewater from toilets and the kitchen sink (blackwater) can also be cleaned and used for irrigation. Oily water generated in garages and the bilge of ships, can be cleaned and reused. WETT can enable a habitat to reduce water consumption by more than 70%, while eliminating wastewater discharge. At Terragon, the focus is always on the Local Circular Economy. More revolutionary appliances are under development, including one that will convert infectious materials to energy at the site where the waste is generated. A larger appliance will convert the plastic fraction of e-waste to the electricity needed by the e-waste, or battery, recycling plant. A small generator of clean fuel from biomass, or waste, that can be used to provide all the energy needs of a farm, or a building, is also under development, along with a technology for producing clean potable water from contaminated groundwater. These unique products, entirely innovated by the ingenious team at Terragon, address huge environmental problems, and will be major contributors globally to building a better and more resilient infrastructure. “We have taken on a great challenge, especially for a relatively small company. Therefore, we recruit people with the required skills, the drive to overcome big challenges, and comfortable in an open and transparent work environment. Fortunately, many young people today are looking for a career in the type of mission and work environment that Terragon offers,” explains Founder, President and CEO of Tearragon, Dr Panayotis (Peter) Tsantrizos. Terragon is regarded as the best Environmental Technologies Company within Quebec, perhaps the nation, and is playing a leading role in innovating the new infrastructure the world urgently needs. The company has combined its technologies with other cleantech leaders in fields such as renewable power and regenerative agriculture, to enable Autonomous Resilient Communities (ARCs). ARCs are communities that generate locally their primary resources (water, energy, food), while protecting their local environment and producing no waste. ARCs may be the key solution to lead a global transition into sustainable and healthier communities for future generations. Terragon continues to innovate and commercialize the products our world needs in order to both reduce the environmental pressure on our ecosystem, and to create healthy communities and habitats. It is truly impressive what a relatively small team of highly skilled and motivated individuals can accomplish. Company Name: Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. Contact Name: Dr. Panayotis (Peter) Tsantrizos Web Address: Contact Email Canadian Business Awards 2022 23