Canadian Business Awards 2024

C aSnma adlilaBnuBsui nsei nses sAswAawr da rsd2s022032|44|1 4 1 Moreover, Tech-Access Canada delivers a number of programs designed to provide opportunities to TACs, small businesses, and future innovators alike. Recently, the organization has been working to expand and improve its program offerings. One of Tech-Access Canada’s innovative initiatives is Boomerang-o-vation, a talent development program that was created to help TACs access new talent whilst providing recent graduates with employment opportunities. Thanks to funding from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), university or college graduates are invited to participate in an externship at a TAC for between six months and a year, working closely with the team to carry out applied research projects funded by the region’s small businesses. Boomerang-o-vation enables graduates to not only gain a deeper understanding of the innovation challenges faced by companies but also learn how novel technologies can be used to solve them. Following their externship, they return home to work with a small local business, contributing their newly developed innovation skills and expertise. Through this program, Tech-Access Canada is helping to create the next generation of innovators. Another initiative designed by Tech-Access Canada is Jump Ball. With so many TACs in the network, it can be difficult for businesses to identify the best centre to approach with their R&D project. Jump Ball enables businesses to complete an online form that will collect all the necessary information about their innovation challenge and the requirements of their project. These details will be sent to every TAC in the network. The centres that believe they have the appropriate expertise can choose to reply with an explanation of why they are best suited to take on the project. After 48 hours, the business or entrepreneur will receive a list of the TACs that responded. By eliminating the need to view 64 TAC websites, this program has significantly reduced the time businesses need to spend choosing a centre to support their research goals. In light of the broad scope of work it undertakes for the benefit of both TACs and Canada’s budding entrepreneurs, it is clear that Tech-Access Canada has taken a leadership role in making inclusive innovation not only an organizational priority but also a nationwide reality. For its exceptional support services and innovative programs, the organization has been awarded the title of Best Tech Product R&D Organization in the Canadian Business Awards 2024. Contact: Michelle Gray Company: Tech-Access Canada Web Address: Each affiliated with a Canadian college or cégep, Technology Access Centres (TACs) are nationally recognized, independently operating research centres equipped with cutting-edge technologies, modern equipment, and multifaceted teams of experts capable of transforming great ideas into market-ready products. They offer value-added R&D and innovation services to Canadian businesses, particularly SMEs, empowering them to create new prototypes, scale-up their processes, and overcome their most pressing challenges. Businesses that choose to work with TACs not only benefit from de-risked investment in applied research projects but also retain their intellectual property. In 2015, Tech-Access Canada was established to support and advocate for a network of 64 TACs, expanding their reach in order to make their important services accessible to all entrepreneurs and innovators across Canada. By helping growing businesses to access these exceptional resources, the organization fosters their success and contributes towards the development of a more inclusive innovation economy. Tech-Access Canada offers value to its member TACs in three core areas: support services, advocacy, and funding program delivery. Firstly, its work involves supporting their continued growth and success by connecting them with innovators and entrepreneurs, as well as championing them as major players in the country’s innovation ecosystem. Tech-Access Canada also advocates on their behalf to senior government officials, aiming to advance their applied research efforts and facilitate the design of new innovation and R&D funding programs that are inclusive of underrepresented groups. Furthermore, Tech-Access Canada empowers TACs to achieve operational excellence by encouraging them to exchange knowledge, experience, and methods with each other at annual events, webinars, and working groups. One annual event hosted by the organization is ‘TAC INNOVATE: Applied Research Leaders Forum’. This renowned national forum unites over 125 applied research leaders from TACs, CCTTs, colleges, and cégeps, inviting them to learn more about current best practices, network with their peers, and establish new collaborative partners to develop innovations in the future. Tech-Access Canada also undertakes significant marketing work, aiming to promote its TAC members and expand their reach. For example, it uses surveys to collect relevant data that can be analysed and aggregated to showcase the strength of the network’s capabilities, as well as leveraging the power of websites, social media pages, press releases, and public presentations to promote and advocate for their work. Based in the heart of Ottawa, Tech-Access Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting companies with a pan-Canadian network of 64 Technology Access Centres (TACs). These research and innovation hubs provide businesses and entrepreneurs with advanced research facilities, equipment, and expert assistance. By increasing access to these valuable services, Tech-Access Canada strives to support the country’s economic growth and success. Best Tech Product R&D Organization 2024