Corporate Excellence 2019
178 CORPORATE VISION / Global Excellence 2019 , Jan19193 8 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 3 2019 IVGPremiumE-Liquids ( IVapeGreat )manufactures and supplies premiume-liquids andvaping products tomillions of people across theworld inover 60countries and sixcontinents. Following their success inCV’sCorporateExcellenceAwards 2019where theywere recognisedas the “Leading Specialists inE-Liquids 2019”,weprofiled the companyandcaught upwithCEO,MrAhsanBawa whoprovideduswithadetailedoverviewof thepersonalised services IVGoffers to their clients. Innovation, Technology and Creativity Combined Produces Premium E-Liquids Established in 2016, IVG Premium E-Liq- uids began with the intention of manu- facturing premium e-liquids and help over one billion smokers across the globe to quit smoking harmful tobacco prod- ucts. Over the years, the company has grown rapidly, travelled across six continents, won over 13 inter- national awards and has recently opened satellite offices and ware- house facilities in New York and Dubai with plans to open similar facilities in Germany and China over the next couple of months. Alongside all of this, the firm also have a brand new head office that is currently under construction in Preston, United Kingdom. Delivering their award-winning products to commercial entities such as super markets, large convenience stores, independent retail stores, pharmacies and specialist vape stores globally, Ahsan begins by informing us of the Clients the company serves, as well as the types of business IVG Premium E-Liquids supplies their products to. “Here at IVG Premium E-Liquids, we work with a number of super markets, large convenience stores, pharmacies and specialist vape stores across the globe with a mission to encourage over one billion smokers to quit harmful tobacco products and smoking.” “In addition to this, we are cur- rently in discussion with a number of airport duty free shops across Europe, America and Asia to stock our premium vaping products.” Working behind the scenes to ensure that the such award-win- ning services are delivered, is the talented, creative and committed team which forms the backbone of IVG. When discussing the internal culture, Ahsan highlights the significant role the team play in the overall success of the firm. “At IVG, we strongly believe in investing in the future, therefore we constantly focus on technolo- gy as well as constantly growing a strong team. We believe our strong, talented and innovative team is an integral part of our success. The opinion and voice of every single member of our staff, whether they are a senior member or a junior member of the team, is crucial. We believe that every person has an individual part to play in our success and each person is just as important as the other. Ultimately, our staff is the foundation of our company.” JAN19193 In addition to the hard-working team, another quality which the team believes is fundamental to the firm’s overall success is the products they produce and the inventive flavours they create, as Ahsan is keen to explain. “At IVG Premium E-Liquids, we believe what makes us successful in this ever growing vape industry is our large loyal customer base across the globe and the premium quality of our products, along with the variation of flavours that we have to offer. We believe we have a flavour ready to satisfy every taste bud.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at IVG Premi- um E-Liquids will continue to deliver an exceptional service and innovative products to their global consumers, ensuring that they pro- vide them with new and exciting products. Bringing the interview to a close, Ahsan signs off by reveal- ing the innovative new flavours the company are due to bring the market throughout the year. “Moving forward, we regularly bring new products to the market, our recent one being IVG Chew range which consists of four ex- citing flavours. In addition to this, we have also recently launched IVG Disposable Pods which are especially designed for smokers to help them quit smoking instant- ly. In addition we are currently in the middle of working on a huge project with a couple of big Companies. We will be revealing further information soon which will take our already established brand to another level.” “Overall, we are a very forward thinking company and we believe technology, innovation and creativity are key in an industry as fast moving as the vaping industry and we are looking forward to a tobacco free world.” Company: IVG Premium E-Liquids Name: Deepika Cooney, Head of Marketing Email: Address: 2nd Floor, Sanderson House, Preston PR1 1NT Telephone: +44 (0) 1772 27000 Web Address:
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