Nov21228 Irish Firm Demystifies Diversity and Inclusion Dublin-based company, MASF Consulting, is our Best Diversity & Inclusion Training Services Firm - Ireland. MASF (pronounced ‘massive’) consults with executives and directors of businesses at home and abroad to help them overcome key business challenges. We speak to CEO and Founder, Mark Fenton, to find out more. Diversity and inclusion are words that have gained prominence in society over recent years. Redressing the balance to provide equal opportunities for all has been a long process. But recognising the benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce is helping the cause to gain momentum. MASF Consulting is helping businesses improve their leadership capabilities and team performance. As a trusted partner, the company supports its clients on their diversity and inclusion journey. Showing them how to recognise and embrace diverse skills, perspectives and identities enables companies to leverage the power of inclusion and create real and sustained impact It is the ambition of MASF to transform individual and corporate mindsets to get the most out of opportunities for diversity in all its forms. Founded in 2016, MASF is the brainchild of CEO and Founder Mark Fenton. Before founding the company, Mark spent over 20 years working with global financial organisations. For much of that time, Mark lived away from his native Ireland. Although he knows how it feels to be an outsider, Mark is the first to admit he isn’t the first person you’d imagine as a champion for inclusive workplaces, “I’m Irish, white, straight, middle-aged, middle class and married with two kids and a dog. But that’s the point. Diversity and inclusion is about everyone. It involves everyone and can benefit everyone. It’s not only for specific cohorts or underrepresented groups. When we all belong, we all perform and we can all reach our potential.” He explains further, “Success comes from being curious about and valuing our different abilities. And about realising that we can all contribute to our collective future. Increased emotional intelligence and strengthened trust within teams can transform performance and productivity.” MASF takes a structured approach to diversity and inclusion. The company’s robust sponsorship and coaching support help clients attract, retain and develop talent. Over the last 6 years, MASF has seen clients increase employee engagement, develop better products and services, report better bottom-line results and increase customer satisfaction. Ultimately this makes companies more likely to get ahead of their competition too. Although we’ve seen many improvements in our changing society, the work is far from over. Mark tells us, “Evidence suggests that our public institutions and our private enterprises are not as diverse as our society has become. They’re not as varied as the client or consumer base they exist to serve. Conscious and unconscious bias and discrimination still undermine the skills, experience, ideas, and insights of many. As a consequence, whole sectors of society underperform when they need not.” For a long time, diversity and inclusion were seen as the realm of HR professionals, or at best the subject of a learning and development topic. But no longer. MASF believes that diversity and inclusion is a strategic imperative for all businesses, no matter what market size or sector. MASF provides proven learning solutions, tools, mentoring and coaching to help everyone understand the benefits of diversity and inclusion, unlock their unique potential and exceed their expectations. The company has trademarked its workshops focussing on unwrapping unconscious bias and committing to inclusion. MASF also offers a range of advisory services. If you’d like to find out more about how diversity and inclusion can benefit your organisation, visit the MASF website. Contact: Mark Fenton Email: Company: MASF Consulting Ltd Web Address: