Global Business Awards 2021

Global Business Awards 2021 21 Best Orthodontic Aligner Solutions Provider 2021 ClearPath Orthodontics was established 14 years ago with the vision of introducing cutting-edge patented orthodontic technology to manufacture clear aligners in Pakistan, thus creating job opportunities and contributing to the economic growth of the country. Following the company’s well-deserved success in the program, we took a closer look at ClearPath’s history of success and work. Clearpath Orthodontics is working in the field of aligner technology, with focus on 3D CAD/CAM Printing, Learning and Development, Education, Import, Export and Consultancy services in both public and private sectors. Additionally, it is the only US FDA-approved aligner manufacturing company in Pakistan with several international certifications, including treating more than 150,000 cases globally. The differentiating point it holds as a company is that Clearpath is the only US FDA-approved brand in Pakistan which is prestigious and trusted by doctors universally. Additionally, Clearpath’s unique selling point is that it has professional dentists and orthodontists trained in diagnosis and treatment planning of malocclusion of teeth. Moreover, the material that it uses for its aligners is exceptionally hygienic and comfortable as it does not stain or darken with treatment. Clearpath has the largest aligner manufacturing facility in the region and has a CP-smart software system that keeps track of all the records and treatment plans. Currently, there are very few aligner manufacturing companies in Pakistan. However, the team of Clearpath Orthodontics is the pioneer of aligner manufacturing in this respective region. Unlike most businesses, the Covid-19 pandemic had a positive impact on Clearpath’s business. It highlighted the importance of minimal touch orthodontics. In addition, the use and awareness of clear aligners enhanced due to less clinical exposure of the patients minimizing the spread of infection. Additionally, with new technologies emerging every day, staying on top of the latest trends is critical and of prime importance for business development. Today, businesses have only two choices. Either keep abreast with technology in the respective industries or lose out to competitors that offer better and newer resolutions to the clients. ClearPath has enhanced its expertise with the latest advancements in Research and Development. Clearpath can certainly prepare its business for changing customer demands. Also, it increases its relevancy within the industry, ultimately setting it apart from the competition by helping in attracting and retaining top talent. The key to Clearpath’s success as an organization is its culture which is based on a firm and widely shared set of beliefs supported by strategy and structure. Our employees know precisely how the top management desires them to respond to any/all situations. Clearpath’s employers have a vital role in perpetuating a firm culture, starting with recruiting and selecting applicants who will share the organization’s beliefs and thrive in that culture. Employees accomplish this by developing orientation, training, and performance management programs that outline plus reinforce the organization’s core values. Leaders within the company live up to its culture every day and go out of their way to express their cultural identities to their employees and prospective new hires. They are clear about their values and know how those values define their organization and determine how the organization runs. Aug21764 Currently, Clearpath has multiple projects in the pipeline, such as a purpose-built Dental Hospital and Research Centre related to dentistry, with a state-of-the-art head office introducing the latest technologies based on trends and research in modern dentistry. Overall, introducing 3D system-based supplies with smart-software technologies is Clearpaths’s main objective for the future and it hopes to continue innovating its processes and making orthodontic treatment affordable to the masses by bringing revolutionary changes in the field of dentistry. Company: ClearPath Orthodontics Name: Dr. Waqas Wahab Email: [email protected] Web Address: