Apart from the increased demand for continuous localization, Jonckers also sees more customers requiring higher volumes of global video and e-learning content. Adobe has been a major client of Jonckers for over 20 years, so it was only natural that Adobe’s global program managers turned to Jonckers when they were looking to deliver a localized experience for their Adobe Experience League customers, the e-learning hub for Adobe Enterprise products. The number of videos used for this e-learning product was high: over 8,000 videos in nine languages, in the first 18 months. Adobe needed a translation and engineering partner who could deliver this ambitiously high number of videos with localized subtitles and voiceovers as well as time-coded transcriptions – all to the quality standard that Adobe customers have come to expect. “The combination of pricing, the use of machine memory, WordsOnline platform, efficient processes, and how you respond to our inquiries and urgent needs, all came together for us to show the partnership is solid,” says Jennifer Wraspir, Senior Director of Professional Services at MediaPRO. Jean-Francois Vanreusel, Director of Globalization at Adobe, says, “This level of work is tremendous. Everyone is moving to video-based learning and communication, so it’s great for us to be driving the localization and supply of the videos. The demand for videos is only going to increase in the future and we’re delighted to be working with a partner who can be as scalable and flexible as we require. As more of our divisions shift to video, podcasting, and localizing new content, we’re delighted to be in a position to grow together with Jonckers.” Besides translation services, Jonckers also supports organizations with additional services such as Desktop Publishing Services (DTP), Multimedia Services, and Linguistic & Functional Software Testing Services. Ultimately, it is thanks to Jonckers and its technology that clients can cut down costs, take their products to market faster, and still provide all the information their customers need to an outstandingly high standard. Jonckers innovates to make translation efficient, accurate, and hassle-free – and it is truly showing the industry how it is done and this is why they’ve been recognised in the Global Business Awards as the Best Translation & Localization Services Provider. Company: Jonckers Translation & Engineering Contact: Silke Zschweigert, CEO Email: marketing@jonckers.com Website: www.jonckers.com and Order Online with Translate Now www.wordsonline.com Sources: www.jonckers.com/casestudies Adobe Case Study | Jonckers Amazon Case Study | Jonckers Microsoft Case Study | Jonckers Helena Masar, Sr. Content Program Manager at Microsoft, focused on the importance of open communications and collaboration, states, “Not only do you find creative ways to quickly adjust and improve our fastchanging localization processes, you are also very fun and easy to work with. You work smart and are very agile, which, in turn, allows us to thrive.” Global Business Awards 2022 5