Global Excellence Awards 2017

6 Corporate Vision / Global Excellence Awards 2017 , Best for Security Technology ASAP Services N.V. was founded in 2000, and specializes in the sale, installation, maintenance and repair of specialized Electro-Mechanical equipment for Airports, Government Institutions, Hotels and private clients. We profile the firm to find out more. ASAP Services N.V. provides specialized maintenance services in the primary process equipment of Airports, including Conveyor systems, Passenger Boarding Bridges, AGL Systems, Carousels, Security Access and Scanning Equipment, Nav- Aids, Fire Alarm and Protection Systems and related auxiliary components. In order to achieve excellence in service, ASAP Services N.V. is constantly training its technicians and upgrading to incorporate the latest technologies and tools into its work, so as to be able to deliver a quality performance in all of her duties. The firm currently employs over 40 highly trained professionals, consisting of Engineers with an array of specializations, as detailed above. Due to the increased demand for professional, qualified and reliable specialized services, ASAP is continuously on the lookout for qualified candidates to expand their team, to enable them to professionally take on more projects and expand their service base. The firm has a well-defined policy that relates to hiring new staff, which is backed up by a two stage interview process, in order to make sure they have selected the right candidate for the job. This policy is also designed to cover an excellent compensation matrix system. As security has become an increasingly large consideration at airports, prompted by issues surrounding safety and the constant pressure to provide low cost travel, ASAP Services N.V. has noted significant changes in the market which have had an impact on the maintenance strategy of airports. This has forced ASAP Services N.V. to adapt and invest in its training and certification program, to meet these new challenges in the air transport market. The demand from travelling clients expecting the best service and experience at a reasonable cost is constantly increasing, and this has made the clients of ASAP Services much more aware of the importance of maintenance in their critical assets. Competition is increasingly fierce for passengers, and they are focusing intently on how they are spending their dollars. As such, any competitive edge that can be gained in this industry is a positive one, and ASAP Services strive to help offer this competitive edge. Located in Aruba, which is itself ideally located within a 2-and- a-half-hour flight of the United States, and Central and Latin America, and has strong airlift, to and from both markets, the company can react and reach clients very quickly and efficiently. In this region, the high cost of aircraft operation for short haul flight destinations by small interisland carriers are under extreme pressure, owing to the volatility and uncertainly in the Venezuelan market; as a result, a number of these carriers are struggling to stay afloat. Recent projects highlights in this region for ASAP Services involve the first LED Runway Lighting Systems designed and installed by the company at the Aruba International Airport, the implementation if the ICAO certified ADB LED AGL equipment, and the repair and refurbishment of over 40 pieces of scanning equipment at the Tocumen International Airport in Panama, through an ICAO tender. As Aruba is a high-end tourist destination, the firm have access to high-speed voice and data communication systems, which interlink with the rest of the world. ASAP Services N.V., like most local businesses, are connected to this system to implement the latest technology into their business, pertaining to the IoT. ASAP Services N.V. maintains business relationships with the major airport delivery manufacturers, in order to be able to stay up to date with the latest developments in the industry. Regulatory changes are a common need in the industry, and ASAP Services are committed to staying ahead of these changes and making sure that these are integrated into our PM systems & programs. The company accepts that quality is a massive factor in their development and to make them more competitive in the open market. ASAP Services N.V. is committed to publicizing this quality culture with employees, suppliers, clients and the community is supported by the QC 100 Total Quality Management Model. The company encourage participation and teamwork for decision making and manage human resources in the company so as to achieve the maximum potential of each their team members. For every project, ASAP assign a team of specialist, headed by a Project Manager and Project Coordinator. They draw on the experience of executive management and the ASAP professional staff of engineers, architects, interior designers, draftsmen, mechanics, electricians, logistic supervisors, financial advisors, traffic specialist and any combination of professionals needed to ensure the project’s success. Looking to the future, ASAP Services N.V. is clear that their future lies in the provision of a quality service just in time, at the right cost on demand. The air transport market will further develop into a cost-effective type of business, with an emphasis on the integration of services, to give the client more time to enjoy the travelling experience. ASAP will build upon the excellent reputation it has acquired since its formation, and through the development and acquisition of appropriate recourses, secure continuity and provide the highest quality of service to our clients. They will also continue to provide the proper training and continued dedication of their employees. 1705CV68 Company: ASAP Services Contact: Ricky Lacle Contact Email: [email protected] Address: Mahuma 54, P.O. Box # 362, Oranjestad, Aruba Phone: 00 297 583 0023