Issue 1 2020
12 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 1 2020 , Oct19504 Learning to Set Sale for Success! Nobody wants to talk to a salesperson. It makes people instinctively defensive. Fortunately for the salesperson, there are ways around this, and the best are taught by Sandler’s s Training, usingmethods perfected over fifty years ago. Given its award-winning success, named as Corporate VisionMagazine’s Leading Global Sales Training Experts 2020 – USA, we took a closer look at what makes this training truly unique. David Sandler was a salesperson who hated his job. He felt underpaid, overworked and worn out. Eventually, he took control of the sales call, of his results and ultimately his life. Teaming up with a clinical psychologist, both designed an approach to sales that would challenge the stereotype of a salesperson and create a relational approach that focused on mutual respect, clarity and qualifying decisions. Over fifty years after that decision, the approach grown into an international franchise, with trainers in over 30 countries. Sandler died in 1995, but his methodology is still incredibly relevant to salespeople around the world. Aimed at serving several distinct audiences through highly trained and specialized channels, small to mid-sized companies are able to take advantages of training with over 270 training centers around the globe. The centers are run by more than 600 full- time, certified Sandler trainers, all of whom are actual sales and sales management professionals trained to communicate the world-class Sandler message and methodology. This isn’t an HR team explaining concepts learned in a book, but experienced professionals sharing the secrets of a success that has been learned and applied in the field. The importance of specialization cannot be overstated, treating clients as individuals as far as possible, while also educating in a group context. Corporate trainers are highly focused sales and management professionals, with experience in vertical industries such as Tech, Financial Services and Construction Materials to name but a few. Sandler’s Training is not just a system designed to be the subject of a two-day seminar, then slowly abandoned over the next couple of weeks. It is carefully designed to equip clients with the tools necessary to create common processes, culture and sales language within various organizations. It also goes beyond traditional sales strategy and into focusing on the client as a whole, with a particular emphasis on behaviours and attitudes in addition to techniques. The key to Sandler’s Training is not just in the message, but in the way this training is delivered. Providing options in a variety of modalities and formats, the business delivers methods of teaching based on the needs Sandler Training
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