Issue 1 2020

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 1 2020 9 to innovation for its own sake and means that the firm is driven by a desire to challenge the past to be better. This is quite a modern approach compared to companies handling Identity Management in the past, where the rules on what should be handled was limited strictly to identities, groups and roles. It is for this reason that WedaCon is shifting away from referring to Identity Management and towards Entity Relationship Management. The current trend is to include everything else around the identity, resulting in a more holistic perspective. This includes things like devices, partners, B2B and B2C relations to name but a few. In order to handle the nature of these new relationships, a smart system that is designed to understand the specifics and characteristics of all these entities is paramount. This sort of intelligence will no doubt be driven by semantic layers within common Identity Management Stacks, or as WedaCon refer to it: Semantic Entity Relationship Management. Directly linked to this are the challenges around self-sovereign identities, which addresses topics for non-enterprise identities with regards to privacy, security and the regaining of digital rights as well as how to connect these personal digital identities with enterprise managed resources. Specialists in a field almost of their own making, the team at WedaCon are determined to go from strength to strength. With innovation at the core, but a desire to provide better services to customers as its aim, it’s clear that there is great potential in this already successful company. What sets WedaCon apart is an eye always on the future. More often than not, this future is not one that WedaCon have stumbled into, but one it has designed. With the next step of Semantic Entity Relationship Management looming, the future not only looks bright, but incredibly clear. Company: WedaCon GmbH Contact: Thorsten Niebuhr Innovations in Identity Management