Issue 10 2019
10 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 10 2019 , Sep19319 IDEIA Big Data designs and develops technological solutions for public opinion analysis. Serving customers worldwide, the firmhave established themselves as leading lights within this dynamic industry. On the back of their success in Corporate Vision’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards, we profile the firmand caught up with CEO and Founder, MauricioMoura who showcased IDEIA Big Data’s extraordinary work. Leaders in Innovation Established in 2011, IDEIA Big Data has been offering a diverse range of ser- vices to their clients, which includes data management, polling, collaboration and process- ing for public affair issues. As experts on combining tech- nology and public opinion for real time analysis, IDEIA Big Data are unique due to their ability to integrate social media monitor- ing, qualitative research (digital anthropology) and data polling. Focusing on delivering fast, deep and unique intelligence to their clients, Mauricio begins by informing us of the firm’s diverse clientele, and how the team ensures that they are able to exceed all expectations. “Since our inception, we have done significant work for private com- panies, non-profit organisations, multilaterals and public entities. “Collectively, our clients have one common demand: to gain a deep and fast understanding of public opinion nuances and trends. In today’s market, the public arena is so complex that information, useful data and intelligence makes all the difference. As we work with private companies, NGOs, multilaterals and public entities, our approach is very straight forward. We present our track record and our capabili- ties, which results in our current clients promoting our work to potentially new clients.” Over the years, the team at IDEIA Big Data have accumu- lated countless awards for their outstanding services, with one of their most recent successes be- ing selected in Corporate Vision’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards where they were right- eously awarded the accolade Most Reliable Big Data Technol- ogy Consultants 2019, Brazil. When discussing the firm’s remarkable success, Mauricio is keen to highlight the key factors attributed to IDEIA Big Data’s numerous accomplishments. “Success stems from our ability to re-invent ourselves on a reg- ular basis. We keep pushing in- novation as a core pillar, learning fast with our mistakes, listening carefully to what the market is demanding (and may later de- mand) and also trying to attract a diverse group of professionals. We believe diversity is our key asset. In summary, technology combined with human capital specialised on the field of public opinion analysis are the reason for both our growth and success.” The future at IDEIA Big Data looks bright for the firm as they continue to provide their clients with an impeccable service, one which en- sures that they not only meet their requirements but also benefits both parties involved. Bringing the interview to a close, Mauricio signs off by revealing what the future has in store for the award-winning firm, touching on the goals they have set going forward. “Ultimately, we are getting ready for the future. The goal is to understand public behaviour, without any bias. This means that we need to understand human behaviour without asking direct questions, as well as respecting data privacy regulations and good practises.” Moving forward, the team at IDEIA Big Data hope to further ex- pand the business, their presence and the services they provide to clients in the years to come. Telephone: +55 61 3224 9670 Web Address:
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