Issue 10 2019
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 10 2019 11 Sep19215 In the busyness of life today, it is more important than ever to ensure that working people do not experience burnout. Kamini Wood and her business, AuthenticMe® Life Coaching, are helping people overcome stress, anxiety and fear as a result of amyriad of issues. We caught up with Kamini to uncover the secrets to her success. Amazing Life Coach Encourages Authenticity When life becomes too much, it can be extremely helpful to know that someone is always available to help coach solutions. Kamini Wood works alongside her clients to overcome stress, anx- iety and fear around not being good enough, feeling trapped by others’ expectations, feeling overwhelmed from juggling everything. In tackling these issues, her clients are enabled to live emotionally free and confi- dent lives, being present in each moment as it happens. As a certified life coach, Kamini approaches each client differ- ently when meeting with them. Given their unique circumstanc- es, her coaching style varies between mindset shifts and behavioural changes, to working on communication and bounda- ries, to listening to intuition and realigning with an authentic self. Each client can rest assured that Kamini offers a judgement-free and safe space in which they can fully explore their own feelings and thoughts without worrying about anything. This unique life coach offers ser- vices to all manner of clients, rang- ing from teenage boys and girls, to women in work, mothers, young adults, college students, and those in a place of transition or leadership. A firm believer in that how people grow up shapes their future, Kamini works to overcome challenges such as co-dependen- cy, seeking external validation, or working to please others. Clients are reminded of their resilience and value to the world, with Kamini whole-heartedly hon- ouring and supporting them in their pursuit of becoming unique- ly and unapologetically authentic. Searching for answers inside themselves, Kamini acts as a collaborator for clients on their journey, prompting questions that will help reveal the true self that clients want to be. Kamini herself is mother to five children who are all aged be- tween 6 and 18, so she under- stands busyness like no other as well as dealing with young adults. With certifications in project man- agement and life and wellness coaching, she is also equipped to understand setting goals, tackling one thing at a time, and how to achieve each of those goals. She is constantly working to improve her methodology through education courses, seminars and workshops to deliver the best possible coaching service. A self-confessed recovering people-pleasing perfection- ist, Kamini’s life coaching is unique in coming from a place of empathy and understanding. She knows the importance of boundaries, self-compassion and knowing that each client is enough just the way they are. Each life coach is as totally unique as their clients, and in order to maximise the potential of any work, it is important that coach and client are fit for one another with a level of trust. By approaching each session with an open heart and a desire to help, the right clients can always walk away from appointments with Kamini with something that they can implement in their lives. Kamini’s success in life coaching is key to unlocking the poten- tial in all her clients, whether they be teenagers, mothers, or work-focused women. Through constantly honing and refining her craft, bettering her methodol- ogy, and never losing the vision of serving people, this empathet- ic and supportive life coach is the perfect companion of the journey to self-discovery. Company: AuthenticMe® Life Coaching by Live Joy Your Way Contact: Kamini Wood Website: Facebook: Book an Appt:
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