Issue 10 2024

Corporate Vision Throughout Pinnacle, there is a keen focus on delivering in-home support, and the company does this through three stages that increase in severity without losing sight of the end goal. First comes light intervention, which comprises approximately 6-15 hours a week of the likes of check-ins, coaching, and other mild forms of support. These initiatives aim to help the person to manage their behavioural condition so that it does not worsen, hopefully meaning that they will not need to access the other levels of support that are also on offer. In more severe cases, such as when an individual is displaying dangerous behaviour, 16-35 hours a week of personalised support is then provided, with this taking the form of crisis management, personalised behavioural support, and other direct intervention methods. The focus at this stage is on keeping clients safe, preventing them from partaking in behaviour that may cause harm to either themselves or others. More often than not, these tactics see clients able to manage their behaviour in the longer term, but in cases where more is still needed, Pinnacle has one more solution of this variety up its sleeve. Placement deterrence is the third and final in-home support programme made available from Pinnacle’s specialist team and concerns those individuals who are on the verge of being sent to either group homes or institutional treatment facilities. Across 12-24 hours of intense daily support, clients of this nature find everything possible done to help them so that they may stay in their homes and avoid being institutionalised. Whilst this solution may be a last resort on the road to being placed into care, it sees Pinnacle take one final swing at embodying a proactive approach to achieving one of its primary aims – keeping families together. As one can see, Pinnacle is about much more than simply finding and targeting the underlying behavioural response pathways necessary for therapeutic growth, rather, it is an organisation wholly committed to supporting holistic wellbeing. This feeds into what is one of Pinnacle’s unique differentiators – its effective utilising of residential support homes. These are a like-minded alternative to the in-home support detailed above, and they see the same level of devotion and perseverance provided, only this time in an external setting. Most Transformative Behavioural Support Practice 2024 & Most Compassionate Behavioural Support Provider 2024 Transformation and compassion are the two fundamental pillars of Pinnacle Support, an award-winning Canadian support provider specialising in offering comprehensive and individualised programmes for children and young people with complex behavioural needs. An industry leader, this is a company wholly committed to ensuring that its services are tailored effectively to both the client and their family, making quality support that affords lasting positive outcomes accessible to all who may need it. Canada’s Pinnacle Support is an exemplary behavioural support practice and provider that has made it its mission to bridge the gap when it comes to mental health crisis response, all the while empowering affected individuals and keeping families together. With care ranging from three hours per day through to constant 24/7 support, Pinnacle is capable of intervention at any stage of a person’s behavioural journey, be it supporting those in need of early guidance to intervening in extreme scenarios when high-risk behaviour has been displayed. Pinnacle operates atop the belief that everybody deserves access to support that is professional, individual, and driven by results. It is for this reason that the team here are seeking to truly revolutionise Canada’s youth care system, offering solutions for complex behaviours that are high quality, grounded in evidence, and refrain from utilising institutional methods. As Christian Brown, Pinnacle Support’s President, explains: “Our support approaches uncover and target underlying emotionalbehavioural response pathways to foster genuine positive foundational change lasting a lifetime.” This commitment can be seen through the pioneering steps that the team here have taken, measures that have reverberated across the communities in which they operate. At the heart of this is Pinnacle’s creation of novel behavioural support and intervention approaches, methods with success and stabilisation rates that are unmatched in this setting, and which measurably improve the quality of life for both the youth it serves and the people closest to them. All of this is made possible thanks to the expert team assembled by the company, a workforce of individuals passionate about upholding Pinnacle’s noble aims at every turn. Leveraging a unique one-to-one staffing model which sees around-the-clock behavioural support delivered in as intimate and as personal a manner possible, this method guarantees that every element of Pinnacle’s encompassing service is entirely malleable and moulded so as to best support the unique behavioural needs of the individual. Pinnacle’s tailored programme then spans everything from promoting life skill developments to nurturing emotional regulation, as well as helping individuals to develop their coping strategies and improve their relationships with both their family members and friends.