Issue 2 2022 9 Nov21460 Best Environmental Management Solutions Tech Business 2021 ERA Environmental Management Solutions develops cloud based EH&S management software that services manufacturers in any industry needing to comply with governmental regulations and calculate their sustainability or Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) metrics. We find out more from the firm’s Co-CEOs. ERA began as a consulting firm in North Carolina, founded in 1994 by Gary Vegh. Sarah Sajedi joined him soon after as Co-CEO and CTO. Together they envisioned a more accurate and streamlined way for manufacturers to report their environmental footprint, and they transformed their consulting firm into a leading environmental software and technology enterprise to align with this vision. Said vision secured ERA’s position as one of North America’s first and most respected Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) software providers. Grounded in environmental expertise, the software has evolved from a desktop application for the wood furniture industry to a well-oiled machine offering unmatched emission tracking and forecasting capabilities, consulting services on subscription, and every state and federal regulatory report for companies in all industries. “Our software is an all-in-one Software as a Service (SaaS) that offers complete coverage of every EH&S need,” Vegh explains. “It is based on years of environmental expertise and backed up by a team of environmental scientists.” The co-founders have developed the market’s most advanced air emissions accounting software, with the largest built-in chemical regulatory library. This platform is designed for manufacturers to understand and calculate exactly which air emissions their processes release; with this information, they can then choose materials with a smaller pollutant output and ultimately reduce their footprint and improve local air quality. Sajedi and Vegh have dedicated themselves to the task of breaking down the regulations and voluntary standards that many businesses use to guide their EH&S reporting. Their ongoing research has resulted in improvements to these standards that have directly influenced how businesses account for and improve their environmental air quality performance. “ERA is available to organizations of all sizes through our fair pricing strategy and modular software,” Sajedi elaborates. “We want to be able to serve everyone, not a select few. Clients purchase only the functionality they need, since our pricing is based on the scale and scope of the work. With this business model, we have managed to service clients throughout the globe and in nearly every industry—from SMEs to Fortune 100 and 500 companies, adding up to thousands of end users.” The environmental software industry is one of the fastest growing in the advanced technology sector, a trend that is expected to continue. As the global market expands, manufacturers face an increasing need to account for their carbon footprints, yet the work required to build EH&S software in-house is often too large for most businesses to handle. “One of ERA’s key strengths is the depth and breadth of expertise we bring,” Vegh elaborates. “When an organization joins ERA, they are guided through the implementation process by our team of scientists who all have advanced degrees or decades of experience in their fields. They are chemists, regulatory specialists, software developers, and much more.” While many products offer ‘build your own’ reporting capabilities, ERA’s leads the field by ensuring that all federal and state reporting requirements their clients could need are built into the solution and that output extracts are available to seamlessly migrate calculated values into the tools preferred by state and local agencies. Providing these features requires that ERA stay abreast of any changes on the regulatory horizon, so that it may integrate them into the solution as soon as they are promulgated. ERA has worked closely with manufacturers and sustainability professionals for over two decades to connect the diverse systems that play a role in a facility’s sustainability tracking goals. Their innovative approach strives to redefine the role of the sustainability professional by shifting focus from data collection and analysis to systematic improvements grounded on evidence-based decision making and realtime Key Performance Indicators. Recently, Corporate Vision named ERA the Best Environmental Management Solutions Tech Business of 2021, a testament to the dedication and hard work of Sarah Sajedi, Gary Vegh, and the ERA team. We look forward to seeing where ERA goes next. Contact: Gary Vegh & Sarah Sajedi Company: ERA Environmental Consulting Web Address: