Issue 3 2021 25 Jan21023 the product they have in mind. This is a way in which it upholds its firm belief that a customer should be able to manage their order with ease. It operates by giving each agent broad universal guidelines, and then allowing them to manage each enquiry totally individually. This lets each agent build up a natural relationship with the client over the course of their commination, promoting a relatively casual and relaxed internal culture. Prestige Fitness finds that this atmosphere enables each of its staff members to flourish. Furthermore, each member of its team seeks to go above and beyond to resolve a customer enquiry, trained to be flexible and understanding when handling the unique set of circumstances that they are presented with. Over the past year, it found that the greatest challenge to its operation was handling logistics. With the pandemic impacting supply lines across a multitude of different sectors and industries in all corners of the globe, Prestige Fitness’s suppliers also took a significant blow. There were increased pressures throughout 2020 on supply chains from manufacturers to domestic haul and movement. This was enhanced by its ambitious introduction of new products that would have been challenging to try and bring in even if the world were not managing a pandemic. However, Prestige Fitness also witnessed a substantial increase in demand for all of its products across its website. This is a trend that has not yet peaked. In response to this, it has invested in a larger warehouse facility, recruited more customer service agents, and will introduce yet more products in quarter two of 2021 – namely, it will be releasing a line of yoga-based equipment. Understandably, the pandemic combined with Brexit has severely impacted business in many ways, but to Prestige Fitness no task is an insurmountable one. These challenges have only emboldened it in maintaining a steadfast, innovative, and undaunted approach to business. Contact: Aldo Kahn Email: Website: Best Online Fitness Equipment Retailer - UK With a customer-facing business model and a year of managing some of the toughest challenges yet under its belt, Prestige Fitness discusses what 2021 will hold for both its end users and staff. Prestige Fitness is a personal fitness equipment retailer, selling a wide range of products. It specialises in power racks and treadmills, but also offers weight benches, exercise bikes and vibration plates, at the lowest prices it can offer them so that its end users can work on their wellness for less. It is constantly reviewing and revising the stock it holds on its site, and after over 10 years of operation, it has developed an enviable reputation within its field for being one of the most competitive providers of home fitness equipment. Its core values are based on the commitment it holds to providing supportive and intuitive customer service. On eBay, this dedication is very clearly shown in its impressive 100% positive feedback rate. It has two trademarked brands that it sells, RYNO and Prestige Sports; both of which are highly reputable and respected amongst professional athletes as well as the more casual user. Its clients are predominantly non-commercial. In general, Prestige Fitness serves the needs of end users who require fitness equipment for either their private homes or offices. It serves a wide range of people and fitness levels too, from people looking for a cost-effective home fitness solution to those looking to get started on a fitness regime without the hassle of looking for a gym they like. Alongside its sales website that handles most of its traffic, it sells through additional third parties, engaging with and investing in various online marketing campaigns throughout the year. In terms of unique selling point, it considers that to reside firmly within its ability to sell a good quality product – and, consequentially, its ability to maintain excellent customer relations through reliable after-sales service. Further to this point, it prides itself on the dedication and talent of its customer service agents. Considering them both the backbone and public face of the company, these are the members of Prestige Fitness’s team that provide its crucial advice to customers before and after their purchase. Through email communications back and forth with an end user, the Prestige Fitness customer service team can clear up any questions, comments, or concerns that they might have regarding