Issue 4 2019

38 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 4 2019 , Dec18561 ComplexAdaptive Leadership links together complexity science to adaptive leadership to give a newand dynamic viewof leadershipwhich gets better results for less effort. Following their success in the Corporate Excellence Awards 2019where theywere selected as the Leading Specialists inLeadershipDevelopment 2019 - UK, we profiled this global firmto discovermore about the innovative solutions they deliver to their clients. A New Approach to Leadership for a New Age Since their inception, Complex Adaptive Leadership has been providing ground-breaking and international award-winning talent, leadership and organisational development to large organisations dealing with volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) times. Serving large, multi-national companies via their two bases (UK and China), clients have previously included Nokia in Finland, Societe Generale in France, Rolls Royce in the UK, Jcorp in Malaysia, Rosatom in Russia, Alibaba in China, and Rodamas in Indonesia. The team thrive on the fact that the environment is VUCA, and as such they enable their clients to do so as well. This is done by meeting current and new challenges by embracing the changes, seeing the opportunities that they bring, and then adapting, improvising and overcoming. Their interventions get a high ROI, and recently won the coveted EFMD Gold Award for Executive Development. Complex Adaptive Leadership extends the view of leadership from the traditional, albeit frequently re- defined, Leadership 1.0 (i.e. leader- ship done by leaders, downwards) through Leadership 2.0 (sideways, cross-boundary and outwards), to Leadership 3.0 (upwards and cross -hierarchy). These combine into a dynamic view of Leadership 4.0, based on a dynamic science, where leaders enable those who follow to take the lead, and so fol- low themselves, and followers learn to lead those who lead them. Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at Complex Adap- tive Leadership hope to continue to build both their European and Chinese business, as well as extending their capability and client network. Future plans will include another subsidiary company in the Americas. Lastly, the team are aim- ing to further their digital transfor- mation, by enhancing their services to cloud-based virtual delivery with their digital partners. Company: Contact Email: info@ComplexA- Web Address: www.complexadap-