Issue 4 2019
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 4 2019 39 , Jan19274 AndrewScott Ltd are a long established construction and civil engineering contractorwith a strong reputation forworking effectivelywithmany public and private sector clients. Following their success inCV’s UKExcellence Awards 2018, we profiled AndrewScott Ltd and caught up with StephenRees who provided us with a detailed insight into the innerworkings of the firm. Exceeding Expectations by Delivering an Exceptional Performance Founded in 1870, Andrew Scott Ltd is one of the UK’s oldest independent construction compa- nies. For almost 150-years, the firm have successfully contributed to the built environment, deliver- ing innovative, high-quality and sustainable projects, and have es- tablished a respected name in the civil engineering and construction markets to both Public and Private sector customers. As a leader in providing val- ue-added construction services to their customers, the team at Andrew Scott Ltd work tireless- ly to ensure that they create a successful partnership with them throughout the construction process. Going into further detail, Stephen begins by informing us of the firm’s overall mission, touching on the ways in which the team ensures that they deliver an ex- ceptional service to clients to not only meet their requirements but also surpass their expectations. “Here at Andrew Scott Ltd, our intent is to establish lasting relationships with our customers by exceeding their expectations and gaining their trust through the exceptional performance of our company staff. We provide our customers with a unique construc- tion service, through the synergy between our Building and Civil Engineering departments. “Building -We work in partnership with both Public and Private sec- tor customers to fully understand their specific requirements and project aspirations. Then we use our expertise and knowledge to deliver efficient best practise solutions. “Civil Engineering -We undertake a full range of civil engineering projects from repeat business small-work and term-maintenance schemes, through to large com- plex multi-million pound projects.” Enabling the firm to deliver these innovative services, is the dedicated, inventive and talented team which forms the backbone of Andrew Scott Ltd. When discuss- ing the internal culture, Stephen is keen to highlight the significant role the team play in the overall success of the firm, and how Andrew Scott Ltd attract the very best talent within the industry to the company. “All our staff receive the most up to date training available. Our in house training officers ensure all training is up to date and any new courses available are offered to all our employees. We are a family run business with a record of long employment for many of our staff. This provides security for our workforce for both themselves and their families.” Bringing the interview to a close, Stephen signs off by revealing what he envisions the future has in store for the team at Andrew Scott Ltd, especially following their success in corporate Vision’s UK Excellence Awards 2018 where they were selected as the Best Construction & Civil Engineering Contractor – Wales and In-House Contracts Manager of the Year 2019 – Wales. “The future is looking good with the order book nearly full for the next year. Currently, we are having to restrict the number of contracts that are available to us. “Moving forward following on our win, we will continue to ensure that contracts are completed to the highest standards possible within the industry and that the relationships with our clients are always positive as this ensure a good working relationship. Hence repeated business. It’s a great achievement to be recognised within the industry, especially for all the hard work we have put in over the years.” Contact: Stephen Rees Address: Andrew Scott Ltd The Grange, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2SP Web Address:
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