Feb23668 For the Love of Coding Marvelution is the brain child of Mark Rekveld, a lover of coding whose hobby has gone above and beyond anything he could’ve dreamed of: an open source project that began with a desire to make his own life easier when it comes to Jira. Mark now shares his coding talent with the world through Marvelution, whether small development shop or large corporation, an endeavour that has now astonishingly been recognised within the Corporate Excellence Awards for the third year running. Bestowed with the title of Best Software Development Consultants 2023 - North Holland, we learn more about Marvelution in light of this extraordinary achievement. Jira is the number one project management tool relied on by teams in financial services, retail, software, high tech, automotive, non-profit, government, life sciences, and many more so they can plan, track, release, and support world-class software. Flexible, organised, and efficient, Jira is utilised by teams of two to 2,000 in companies of all sizes to make their daily working lives easier. This software has become so efficient due to the integration of Jenkins, developed by Mark Rekveld, to provide a free, easy, secure, and reliable way for Jira to connect to the user’s Jenkins server. With cloud access becoming an increasingly important way for businesses to work, the Jira-Jenkins integration has become a much-needed solution. Running behind the firewall with Jira Software Cloud or Jira Service Management Cloud, it enables users more visibility and context on every issue in Jira. IBM, Dell, Fujitsu, and EMSA are just a few big names out of 65,000 businesspeople and companies making the most of Mark’s next-level coding skills to enhance their Jira user experience. Marvelution is a project that stemmed from Mark’s love of coding and his own need for the Jira-Jenkins integration to work as efficiently as possible, describing it as a “hobby grown out of control”, and having quickly found that he wasn’t the only one who needed the software to be easier use. Although Marvelution was formally established in 2015, its origins date back to 2008 with the launch of Jira Hudson Integration, which grew rapidly, acquiring over 3,000 installations worldwide. Seven years later, Marvelution was formed as an open source umbrella project, going on to release what is now known as Jenkins Integration for Jira, and seeing incredible success. Since the beginning of this passion project, Mark’s core value has been to have fun, whether it’s in developing new features, fixing bugs, or helping customers to get the most out of the software. He’s still enjoying being a one-man band, and he says he’ll keep it this way as long as it is still fun. If the need for more staff arises, then he has companies in mind to chip in. Being open and honest is also crucial to Mark’s service offering, which involves never making any promises he can’t keep. He isn’t interested in what his competitors are doing, either, unless he feels it could be beneficial to his own customers, being devoted to their wants and needs. It is thanks to the help of his customers that Jenkins has got to where it today, continuously improving and thriving. This strong collaboration is what keeps his customers coming back time and time again. Looking ahead, Mark is focused on being agile, constantly adapting to his customers’ needs and moving with the flow instead of worrying too much about what the long-term looks like. This is what works for him, allowing him to continue turning his hobby into business and keep the goal of having fun alive. Company: Marvelution Contact: Mark Rekveld Email: markrekveld@marvelution.com Website: marvelution.com