Issue 7 2020
The Digital Revolution Good design is difficult to come by, especially in an everchanging digital world. The team at Six Trends, Inc. are committed to staying one step ahead of the curve as they work on new ideas for their customers. As they receive an Award for Excellence in Digital Design Solutions, 2020 in Corporate Vision’s running series focusing on Corporate Excellence, we take a closer look to see what the team have to offer their clients. Innovation leads at Six Trends. With their business at the beating heart of the digital revolution, nothing else could take its place. As the world of digital technology continues to grow at a fantastic pace, it’s clear that what businesses across Canada, and indeed the globe, require is a service that can create solutions that not only account for where the market currently is, but where it will be in the future. Design-led and proud of it, Six Trends is one of the leading businesses in Canada when it comes to digital solutions that have a real impact on a client’s business. The team have been brought together from across the world, with years of expertise behind them. From the top down, seeing the world from a slightly different perspective is the order of the day, and it’s no wonder that President and Chief Technology Officer Tom Barker has been involved in projects ranging from the design of the London Eye’s ferris wheel capsules all the way to the world’s first Bluetooth headset. Although based in Toronto, Canada, the team take on work around the world, employing their prowess for the technical and the creative in equal measure. Their projects are made better by this approach, managing to balance the need to be both flexible and durable. The team have developed many models of bringing a product to the marketplace, which means that they are uniquely able to advise clients on the best way forward in order to grow an audience and plan for future releases. Clients are delighted by the way in which Six Trends can attend to any needs that they might have, offering digital strategy, marketing, and business support for both corporates and start-ups. These solutions are not only cross-platform, but progressive and scalable so that they can be easily adapted to specific needs. Feb20572 Tending to clients with such varied needs has meant that the team has designed different methods of working. This ensures that the best value for money is found on all sides. Instead of a brainstorming activity, the team engage with clients throughout the course of a project, starting with a design blitz. Adapted from the Google Ventures technique, it is possible for a team to identify goals, map out problems and processes, consult with the client team and develop ideas that perfectly suit the needs of a client. Of course, with a start-up, there is a simple desire to do everything at once, which is a challenge in and of itself. To this end, the team at Six Trends have created a pack of good advice, designed specifically to help these new groups get up to speed with doing everything at once. Packaged as a deck of cards, this impressive little kit allows the Six Trends team to quickly and effectively demonstrate how gamification and visual design can be used as part of their engagement with clients. As a proactive company, keen to engage with those who are interested in the possibilities of digital technology, Six Trends is ideally positioned to guide businesses forward into the next generation of marketing. With over 60% of businesses expecting the digital economy to change their businesses, while fewer than 20% have an integrated digital business plan, it’s clear that companies with experience will have a great role to play. Six Trends has planted the seeds of a digital future, and is ready to watch them flourish. Contact: Lee Rennick Email:
[email protected] Web Address:
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