Issue 8 2019
CORPORATE VISION / Issue 8 2019 35 , Jun19459 Founded in 2011 out of theMITMedia Lab, Humanyze has become a world-leader in understanding the connection between space, teamwork styles, and collaboration. Their platform, Humanyze Elements ® is able to pull multiple data sources to help companies understand how, where, and which teams work together, allowing them tomake more informed space planning decisions and create a space that works for their teams. Science-Backed Analytics Company Since their inception in 2011, Humanyze has grown rapidly over the years in to one of the world leaders in understanding team dynamics and work patterns. With over 10 years of research in to organisational network analysis and behavioral science at the MIT Media lab, Humanyze helps com- panies uncover social network patterns that are impacting how work gets done. “Our platform, Humanyze Ele- ments ® pulls together multiple data sources to help companies understand the connection be- tween space, team work styles, and collaboration. By understand- ing which teams work together, how and where they work togeth- er, real estate leaders can make better space planning decisions, measure the impact of current and past initiatives, and create a space that works for their teams, using passive, existing data with minimal interruption for employ- ees” says Gregg Carman, Exec- utive Vice President for Global Commercial Operations. With a global presence span- ning the US, Europe, and Asia, Humanyze is on a mission to improve the future of work, and they start with their own team. “We believe in creating a work environment where people want to be; our research has repeat- edly shown that engaged and happy employees are productive employees and as such we make sure to support our team with flexible work options, paid maternity and paternity leave and opportunities for professional development” said Ben Waber, Humanyze CEO. Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, the team at Humanyze will continue to focus on global expansion and provid- ing first class customer service, especially following their recent success in Corporate Vision’s Corporate Excellence Awards 2019 where they were recognised as the Most Innovative Organisa- tional Analytics Platform – 2019. Already this year Humanyze has opened offices in Europe and Asia with the goal of better serving customers around the globe. Their brand new Euro- pean headquarters are based in Amsterdam, while the Asian headquarters recently opened in Tokyo. With these expansions Humanyze will continue to help companies drive team productiv- ity and engagement by creating the ultimate workspace. With Humanyze, companies can be sure that their decisions are good for business. Company: Humanyze Telephone: +1 (617) 701-6407 Web Address:
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