Issue 8 2019

CORPORATE VISION / Issue 8 2019 41 WR180060 Putting transparency back into the IT Service industry Youcall-it.comwas created to deliver direct management of IT-service and projects. Recently, we profiled the firmand caught up withWayne Conyers who gave us a behind the scenes glimpse into the exceptional services the team consistently provides to their clients to ensure that the ideal outcome is achieved. Founded in 2010, Youcal was established to provide a unified approach to IT service delivery on a truly global scale. Integrating service providers from around the world directly in to the platform and connecting them directly to the clients who use their services, Youcal ’s platform provides full management of IT services with service providers signing up to delivering services and then managing them on platform. Active in over 80 countries, incorporating over 100 service providers, Youcal offers an amazing amount of capability, not just the platform but with the service providers available to clients and other service providers. Wayne begins by going into further detail about the services the team at Youcal offer their clients, as well as touching on the benefits of using the firm’s services. “Here at Youcal , we have always considered transparency to be a key part of everything that we do. YouCal has built and developed a platform from the ground up allowing a single point of entry for global manage- ment of IT Support requests, con- tracts, deployments, installations, surveys and much more. Over the last eight-years, You-Cal portal has evolved from a simple call management and commu- nications hub and now includes inventory and asset management systems, linked directly to UPS to track shipments, globally. Today, the clients of YouCall-it. com work directly with all IT ser- vice providers via the dedicated platform on the basis that, when everybody works at the same level; communication, cost, and management are delivered in a more effective way, with unneces- sary layers removed. Over the last two years, the team at Youcal have been driv- ing for success. Since 2016, the business has been continuously growing by over 50% last years, and a further 25% this year. When discussing the secrets behind this impressive accomplishment, Wayne is keen to highlight the firm’s latest edition, their fully capable helpdesk. “This growth has allowed us to create a dedicated European helpdesk which now manages the calls around the world on a daily basis. The desk offers language support as well as supporting en- gineers and partners working on service events or requests. This has been a great development for us ,as we had always focused on the system delivering services, so adding a fully capable helpdesk which can service the needs of customers and clients directly is a big addition to the services and products we provide.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, the team at Youcall-it. com will continue to deliver an exceptional service to their clients, ensuring that they not only meet the requirements which have been set but that they also surpass their expectation. Moving forward, the Youcal team will continue to further expand the business, their presence and the services that they offer to clients in the years to come. Company: Youcal Limited Website: