Issue 8 2019
54 CORPORATE VISION / Issue 8 2019 , Jul19405 Tarmin Recognized as a Leader in Data Management Solutions This datamanagement and storage pioneer is pushing the boundaries with their unrivalled data driven infrastructure. Recently, Tarminwas selected as a Recognised Leader in Data Management Solutions in CV’s 2019 Corporate Excellence Awards. Following this win, we profiled Tarmin, read on to discover more of this award-winning firm. Data is at the fore- front of enterprise innovation, useful only when acted upon and working in harmony across the entire data landscape. Tarmin built the GridBank Data Management Platform with the future in mind, solutions like these will change the way businesses compete and operate moving into the future of business digitalisation. Dynamic, large and disparate volumes of data are being created by people, tools and machine at unprecedented rates. The focus has previously been on the ability to capture and store the vast amounts of data, until recently, where a fundamental shift has occurred placing utter importance on the technical capacity to consolidate, unify, analyze and generate insights to create a distinct advantage over the competition. Tarmin, was established with the intent to fill the gap between traditional storage technologies, with the growing market need as data growth continues to rise alongside increasingly stringent security, retention, disposal, and compliance regulations. As ill-equipped organizations continue to accumulate more data than they know what to do with, not only do their overheads significantly increase, but so do the risks associated with data protection, governance, security, regulatory compliance and data mobility. Historically, businesses had no problem capturing data, but with the onslaught of machine gener- ated data, the influx of informa- tion is too much for organizations to capture and react to the data in real time. In this day and age, organizations need a good strategy and data solution in place, the Tarmin GridBank Data Management Platform provides an innovative infrastructure which enables organizations to become more competitive and efficient, by unifying data silos into a consolidated, easily-accessible platform in order to convert data into consumable information for key decision makers to create insights, drive competition and improve customer loyalty. GridBank brings innovation to the backup and archiving market, as the most comprehensive and secure solution to meet organ- ization’s needs. Specializing in archiving information, backup optimization, and enterprise data storage, Tarmin GridBank is supplying organizations all over the world with tailored solutions to modern day complex data management and storage requirements. For organizations to thrive and take advantage of this digital era, they need to have the right solutions in place to handle it, today and in the future. Tarmin is successful because the company provides customized, bespoke data-focused business solutions, offering GridBank as a full-service end-to-end enterprise digital transformation platform. Recently, the company has begun satisfying the multifacet- ed requirements of one of Wall Street’s top global banks. Tarmin GridBank has gained sig- nificant momentum with various clients and leaders across da- ta-intensive industries, including financial services, healthcare, government organizations, education, telecommunication, oil and gas, and pharmaceuticals among others. Offering massive scalability, Tarmin allows organi- sations to scale their data linearly with additional nodes that grant unparalleled scale-as-you-grow flexibility. Large quantities of data will continue to create significant advantages for those companies who are capable of exploiting it. By correctly collecting, manag- ing, storing and employing these vast silos of data, organizations will see future success. Ultimately, the reason behind Tarmin’s success is their keen awareness of society’s pro- gression into a more digital era. In a time where innovation in technology is advancing at an accelerated rate, this company is helping organizations in vital sectors digitize their data, bridg- ing the gap between tradition and modernization. Company: Tarmin Contact: Shahbaz Ali Website:
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