Media Innovator Awards 2020

Most Innovative Gamification Solutions Provider 2020 - Middle East Innovation is happening in every industry, and the addition of gaming theory to the workplace has the potential to revolutionize how it operates. The team at Multimedia Factory excel at providing bespoke solutions that enhance employee retention and performance through interactive, engaging and entertaining applications. These programs can be applied across industry sectors, with the team adapting easily to the different needs of specific companies. Every solution is unique, though they each draw on the knowledge and experience of previous projects. With such a customizable approach, it’s easy to see how each organization can tailor itself to meet unique requirements. With the help of this company, it’s easy to see how stale internal policies and procedures can be converted into interactive experiences that are engaging and, more importantly, fun for the learner. Only recently, the team has taken on a project with a corporation in the Middle East. They have asked the team at Multimedia Factory to revitalize their two-day, face-to-face induction program into a digitized, interactive experience with game mechanics. Instead of lectures and seminars, new joiners can explore the premises of the organization for themselves, meeting heads of departments and carrying out a conversation with each one of them to learn more about the work culture in a fun, interactive manner. It’s a more engaging process that allows them to take in more information more quickly. The team have adopted an agile way of working, developing new features quickly and soliciting feedback from users on the upgrade. This means that the team can rapidly work out what changes need to be made in the future. It also means that changes can either be quickly incorporated into the main engine or discarded if seen as unnecessary. The team are encouraged to try out new ideas with every update, pushed not to succeed but to explore the possibilities and see where they are led. While the Multimedia Factory team are always looking for ways to improve their product, they place accessibility incredibly high on their list of priorities. This is why any Multimedia Factory product is usable on any handheld device. For them, the medium should not be the limiting factor when it comes to education. The need for organizations to rethink and re-evaluate their training infrastructure has been accelerated by the effects of the global pandemic. Now, with social distancing the way of life for the considerable future, there is the two-fold challenge of meeting these safety requirements while also motivating a younger workforce. With most, if not all, training being carried out virtually, the team at Multimedia Factory have been able to achieve a great deal. It has proved so successful that it is a process likely to continue into the future. While many businesses have struggled to adapt to the new normal, the team at Multimedia Factory have been able to anticipate the need that has arisen. Certainly, those who have used their services will see gamification as the way forward when it comes to delivering complex training. In short, the team at Multimedia Factory have achieved great things, guided by an eye for innovation and a flair for education. Their thoughtfulness within the training industry has placed them in a great position for the future, and seems set to become the standard in years to come. Company: Multimedia Factory Name: Karam Al-Nazer Web Address: Tedious corporate processes can drain the enjoyment from any job, making many employees look to new places to work where they can be engaged and enthused. For the team at Multimedia Factory, the development of applications that utilize advanced game mechanics is a way to transform this trend. With an eye on the clients of tomorrow, we turn to this talented team to see what they have to offer. Jul20362 Media Innovator Awards 2020 Every solution is unique, though they each draw on the knowledge and experience of previous projects. With such a customizable approach, it’s easy to see how each organization can tailor itself to meet unique requirements. With the help of this company, it’s easy to see how stale internal policies and procedures can be converted into interactive experiences that are engaging and, more importantly, fun for the learner.