Media Innovator Awards 2020
Jul20169 Best Multimedia Broadcasting TV Company – Caribbean & Excellence Award for Educational Content 2020 - Caribbean When it comes to media innovation, there’s no need to look much further than the team at the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network. Under the sage leadership of Mavis Albertina, the company has been able to cross media boundaries, reaching people through the Caribbean. With an approach that is thought-provoking, educational and entertaining, the team have achieved major success. We take a closer look at the firm to find out more. The heart of the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network has been Mavis Albertina since the very beginning. Based on the beautiful island of Curaçao, it was her vision that people have been guided by, her determination that has brought the vision to life and her celebrity that allowed the team to pursue this vision in the first place. Since the network began broadcasting in 2014, Mavis has been the owner, sole shareholder and President. The venture began on the back of her experience as a passionate television and radio producer and talk show host and a desire to pay something back to the viewers she has gotten to know so well over the years. The Nos Pais Broadcasting Network was the result – the first HD broadcaster in the Caribbean, beaming out to people through their televisions and their computer screens. From a modern studio complex, with state-of-the-art technology on hand, the team at the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network produce a broad range of content, aiming to mix a journalistic style with investigative programming, sports and educational information and interviews. Mavis understands the unique power with which the media can tell a story or communicate a message, and is determined to use her platform to promote positive developments that will lead to a healthier society. While the objective is always to inform and amuse, the common thread through every program that the team produces is education. It’s a decision that has allowed the team to gain a considerable edge over the competition. Far from a rabble-rousing platform for loud and ill-considered discussion, the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network is a platform where issues of substance be can explored, where diversity can be cherished and where people can learn something a little different to the norm. The target audience for the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network is incredibly broad. It aims itself at a multi-cultural group between 15 and 45 years old, equally split between the Caribbean and the Netherlands. This range of potential viewers has meant that the team is multi-lingual, with most hosts speaking four languages (Papiamentu, Dutch, English and Spanish) that can be combined during individual programs. This approach keeps the audience constantly learning, naturalizing the use of different languages as a tool to be embraced. Having achieved such success through the medium of television, Mavis and her team are looking for new ways to reach audiences. They have already begun to use social media not only to communicate directly with viewers, but to broadcast programs where appropriate. Currently, the team are exploring the potential of other formats, with radio being the present priority. This series of broadcasts is set to hopefully begin over the summer months, and will no doubt encompass all the elements that have made the Nos Pais Broadcasting Network such a success on television. Many see the online sphere as taking over from traditional forms of media, but for Mavis and her impressive Nos Pais Broadcasting Network, the trick has been to combine the two techniques. It has allowed her and her team immense freedom to tell the stories that they consider important, spreading a message that encourages positive development and a healthy society. Company: Nos Pais Broadcasting Network Name: Mavis Albertina Web Address:
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