Media Innovator Awards 2022

Nov22590 Best Boutique Video Production & Equipment Rental Company 2022 - Iceland In 2016, Viktor took on a project for a local vodka manufacturer. The manufacturer’s team wanted something to sell their product, and Viktor was happy to assist. This Blindspot’s first project had achieved more than 10 million views for the brand within a month, and thus setting the tone for the company’s success years to come. Since those humble beginnings, and impressive results, Blindspot has served clients both local and international. No matter what size the business, a commitment to top of the line personalised service is paramount to producing projects that meet specific needs. The team have focused in on commercial video advertising and promotional material for companies, organizations and individuals, but can do pretty much anything. We asked Viktor if he could explain a little about what drives him and his team to strive for such amazing solutions. “In the past I had worked on projects with other production companies and advertising agencies,” he told us, “and the whole production often felt like a moneymaking machine, lacking all personality and even joy from the people involved. In my mind, this has to be the opposite for a good business relationship. Happy customers are the best advertisement and we put a lot of effort in maintaining our “happy customer” status.” From the start of any project, therefore, it pays to explore with clients what they want from their projects. The end result is always made very clear to the client, which means that their expectations are often not only met, but exceeded. Using years of practical experience, the team are able to craft plans which help projects to run smoothly and on time, without having to overcome unexpected challenges. Key to this has been an approach which embraces innovation in all its many forms. For Viktor, innovation means understanding the landscape around you and taking advantage of the possibilities that are presented at any given time. Given the many opportunities which he has grabbed with both hands, it’s little wonder he considers understanding what is around you immensely important. To him, the local are as essential to his firm thriving as the multinationals which set the tone for the industry at large. Looking ahead, the future seems bright for Viktor and the Blindspot team. “Without giving up too much, we are very excited to say that we are working on online services for companies that can improve their inhouse content creation while saving them a lot of money.” he says with a smile. When it comes to media innovation, Viktor leads the way for commercial enterprise. Company: Blindspot Name: Viktor Aleksander Bogdanski Email: Web Address: Commercial video production is a specialist skill, requiring a specialist approach that accounts for the demands of the customer. The team at Blindspot, led by Viktor Aleksander Bogdanski have a reputation that is second to none in the industry. In the Media Innovator Awards, the team achieved astounding success. We dig a little deeper to see how they did it. Media Innovator Awards 2022 13