Small Business Awards 2020

As the digitization market booms in Germany, Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH is leading the charge and showing companies ways to adapt to the digital and take full advantage of the opportunities that technology presents. Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH is an expert consultancy that provides support and services to clients undergoing digital transformation. The skill and insight the team offers to their clients set them apart from others in their industry. The company was formed in 2017 and have seen impressive growth during the last three years. This success, according to Thomas Fass of Alter Solutions, is down to both the highly skilled people working at the company, and the overall surge in progress towards digitization in Germany. When working with a client, Alter Solutions supports them not only in terms of technology but also in methodology and digital strategy. In order to ensure its clients make the most of digitization and thrive, Alter Solutions supports the way the business adopts new technology. The company focusses on revolutionizing a client’s business processes, customer interactions, product portfolios and business model. They show their clients the opportunities that arise through the use of new technologies and accompany them step by step in the conception and implementation of their digital goals and strategies. In order to carry out a successful project, Alter Solutions identifies two very key aspects. The team then build a personalised plan around these aspects. Firstly, they want to know what the overall target of the project is and what will the customers get out of it at the end. Secondly, they wish to know exactly what the client’s expectations of the outcomes is. From these two key points of knowledge, Alter Solutions can form a decisive and effective plan. As a company whose business is to change and improve the working life of other companies, it is important that Alter Solutions are working from a cohesive base. Before looking at other companies, they first look inward. After all, Alter Solutions work in a service industry, and a large part of their work is dealing with people. When team members are happy and satisfied with their work, it is obvious to the clients. It only leads to more positive interactions and a better service provided. The consultants in the team are proven specialists and form a perfect mix of expertise across multiple skillsets. There are strategy consultants, designers, coaches, software developers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists to name a few. Best High-Tech Consulting Firm – Düsseldorf Small Business Awards 2020 37 Sep20071 Throughout the three years since its inception, Alter Solutions has kept its start-up mentality. The innovative, focussed culture that is necessary to get a company off the ground in the digital environment is still present, driving the company to achieve ever-greater things. The team at Alter Solutions love to work in a technological environment, enjoy the process of digitalization, and get stuck into the challenges that they face. The market that the company operates in is still growing. There is still strong growth as a result of emergent technologies and the push to the digital. This will, of course, beg the services of digitization companies like Alter Solutions, who are determined to be at the forefront of the changing landscape. The next three years will be very busy for them. The plan is to forge ahead and take full advantage of the changing German market and the growth there. Alter Solutions serve to make other companies in the market better, more efficient, and more successful. As the market grows, adapts and changes, they are there tomake sure that businesses are constantly moving towards the future. Contact: Thomas Fass Company: Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH Website: Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH is an expert consultancy that provides support and services to clients undergoing digital transformation. The skill and insight the team offers to their clients set them apart from others in their industry.