Small Business Awards 2022

Most Innovative Education IT Developer – Japan Coolied, Inc. is an IT development company whose three core business developments are set to transform IT and education across Japan. From base IT services to education aids and content creation services, Coolied is a leap forward to future-proof technical services. It provides correspondence courses for Japanese high school students and IT systems for educational institutions in the IT and education business. In addition, Coolied is responsible for multiple IT systems and content for Japan’s leading semiconductor manufacturers, office automation equipment manufacturers, and manufacturing companies. Above all, Coolied strives to provide new and continual value to its customers by introducing technologies that are always one step ahead of the times. These include its innovations in school and education functions, such as schools within the metaverse, as well as grading and corrections performed via AI, all of which it offers to its IT and education partners. To differentiate itself from its competitors, it adopts innovative technologies earlier and more assertively than its competitors, consistently executes the marketing process simultaneously – not just the technology – and makes it its primary goal to increase customer value. It is executing these three. To accomplish this, when Coolied begins a new job or project, it insists on starting with a clear definition of the problem it is solving before moving on how to succeed. Though this can sometimes take days or weeks, it takes this process very seriously. In particular, it ensures that how it solves the problem includes the value it can provide without its partners or consumers having to compromise. This has resulted in a portfolio of successes that it has been able to eagerly provide to its clients, content in the knowledge that what it is offering is precisely what they need. Providing this value, and executing its goals, is a team of enthusiastic and resolute staff. Coolied’s team members, across all three of its sections, are initiative-taking – not needing instructions to provide the best possible solutions – and can both act and think on their feet. When it hires fresh staff, it engages people who mesh with the rest of its exceptionally talented team, looking to maintain its responsiveness and efficiency. In the future, its goal is to become an “SDGs venture company,” focusing on educational IT in Japan, the rest of Asia, and then the world. In this context, it believes it has taken a step forward in creating a new educational society in 2022 by releasing its two major product services: Metaverse School and its AI grading and correction service. Coolied Inc. hopes its emerging services will be widely appealed to worldwide. It passionately believes that education usage in virtual spaces, like the Metaverse School, will increase in many countries and educational institutions. It will continue developing its newest endeavours and refining its current outputs to ensure the needs of its clients and future generations are met. Overall, the organisation is one that is forward-thinking and it has done far more than just set the stage for progress. The laser focus on implementing top-level technology and leveraging the best of what is possible today has created learning environments where students can more easily prosper. From using the Metaverse in the name of education, to using AI to lessen the burden on teachers, Coolied has more than earned its title of Most Innovative Education IT Developer in Japan. Its service to the students, teachers, and other stakeholders of the nation’s education is well worthy of praise. Coolied, Inc. has set the groundwork for a revolution in how technology is used going forward. Contact: Yasuki Onozaki Company: Coolied, Inc. Web Address: N/A Education and technology are two fields that are closely entwined, even more so as the twenty-first century progresses. However, are we taking advantage of every possible piece of technology for the benefit of students and teachers? Coolied, Inc. is one company whose mission is to ensure the world is utilising top-quality technology to succeed. Starting in Japan, but with sights set on revolutionising education across the planet, its suite of tools and services are very much ‘next generation’. Small Business Awards 2022 23