2019 Technology Innovator Awards

30 Corporate Vision 2019 Technology Innovator Awards , Mobility Tech Green Corporate Mobility Innovation Award 2019 & Most Cutting Edge B2B Carsharing Solution: e-Colibri ™ - Mobility Tech Green Apr19461 Thanks tomore than 12years of experience on theB2Bmarket,MobilityTechGreen commercialises a varietyof carsharingwhichallowreal savings for companies and local authorities, aswell as an efficient reductionof CO2 emissions.We profile this innovative company tofindoutmore about its solutions and service offering. There are currently two versions of this solution, Essentials and Success, both of which are designed to meet the needs of a variety of users. As a result, e-Colibri™ has already seduced some of the biggest corporate fleets in France and is now making its way to worldwide acclaim. Indispensable to any company or collectively owned vehicle fleet, the solution is adaptable to fit with any user’s specific requirements. Seeking to build upon its current success, the firm is eager to continually work with its industry peers and showcase the innovations it has to offer. Early 2018 Mobility Tech Green’s presence as exhibitors at the CES Las Vegas demonstrated the firm’s will to export its technological solutions, to confront new markets and thus new challenges. This experience also allowed the company the opportunity to present the first component of its innovation program, i2M, with its artificial intelligence project dedicated to Mobility, Aiko. Looking to the future, Mobility Tech Green will remain dedicated to showcasing its latest innovations and driving the carsharing and fleet management markets towards even greater efficiency throughout 2019 and further ahead. From the evolution of its software platforms to the addition of new technologies, such as blockchain or artificial intelligence, Mobility Tech Green aims to transform all these changes into opportunities to grow further. Ultimately, Mobility Tech Green’s aim is the constant evolution of its solutions so that the firm can offer its clients innovative and efficient services so that together they can then move towards the future of B2B mobility. CONTACT DETAILS: Company: Mobility Tech Green Contact: Alexandre Fournier Website: www.mobilitytechgreen.com Since its inception in 2009 Mobility Tech Green has been offering innovative technological tools for a wide range of organisations to help them improve their vehicles fleets. Today the firm is at the avant-garde of a new vision of mobility with more100 000 users of its solutions to date. Through its focus on connected cars and driving users towards even greater innovation in all aspects of their lives, Mobility Tech Green answers the 21st century’s challenges using technical innovation. Among the firm’s variety of solutions is the award-winning e-Colibri™, a truly cutting-edge corporate carsharing solution. Designed to optimize any vehicle fleet in order to ensure its sizing, this creative, user-friendly solution will be ideal for clients looking to manage their mobility on a daily basis.