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The Five Best Things We Can All Use in a Logo to Attract the Future We Want

Why are logos so important for success? Brands spend millions designing, sharing and protecting them. And brands have made millions…

The Five Best Things We Can All Use in a Logo to Attract the Future We Want

21st March 2023

Concept for web banners, internet marketing, printed material, presentation templates

Why are logos so important for success? Brands spend millions designing, sharing and protecting them. And brands have made millions with their logo designs at the core of their business. I have helped many brands to design them and have since become curious about the power of these icons so precisely designed to attract a profitable future.

I analysed and dissected each element that makes up a logo, right down to the shape of serifs and letter shapes, the nuances of colour (Ferrari red is different to Aston Martin red) and symbols – quite frankly an infinite cornucopia of visual inspiration, from circles and triangles to elephants, starlings and planets.

I discovered two main facts. The first is we can be affected by logos even if we’re not looking at them. The second is that creating this effect is open to us all, whether we are a brand or an individual. Our ancestors have been using the same elements that make a logo, either singly, or in a combination, for thousands of years, to attract the future they wanted. Now, our brand experts, the marketing professionals and designers, have developed this into a sophisticated process to ensure success and profit. But this process is incredibly simple, and, as quantum scientists reveal more on our world construct, we discover the perception of separation between ourselves, others and the rest of the world is simply not true and everything is intimately connected. In turn it becomes apparent that logos have the power to help each of us to focus our connection with each other and manifest the life we yearn for.

Personally, I believe that we all inherently, and intuitively know the power of this connection but much of it was disregarded as we entered Newtonian physics which was rooted in the physical world. By expressing our intention in a specific design, we are able to share it with the world and spark the reality we want to create.

Design your logo, design it well, consider each element – the name, symbol and colour, right down to every detail while holding your intention (the vision/result you want) and then deliver it with heart. And remember:


Our thoughts and emotions are more powerful than we could imagine

Just thinking good thoughts about a person can make them feel better, the converse is also true. If we think badly of a person, this can be measured in the ‘victim’ via a Galvanic Skin Response. Imagine the power of creating and delivering your logo embedded with an intention of love. More importantly, what you send out also affects you.


Paradoxically we are all unique, but we are one and intimately connected

Brands like to group us into nice marketable chunks so we can be efficiently targeted. I like to question the edges of these chunks, they can be worth exploring so that we do not miss out on some effective delivery options. The global connection between every single one of us is being revealed by experiments conducted by, for example, Heartmath, where researchers study the human connectivity at heart level.


There is memory in the quantum field

When we tap into our creativity we are connecting with a resource far greater than our logical mindset. Lyn McTaggart, journalist and best-selling author of The Intention Experiment, describes how our right, creative brain, is connected to the quantum field and unconstrained by time and space. When we are aware of this then we know we are tapping into thousands of years of ancestral memory, sometimes referred to as archetypes. Whether these are beliefs around a colour or sound, or a mother, or hero archetype, it is an extremely effective resource available to us all. Ask, for example, what red (for example) means, or provokes, in the world, and then what it means to you. Both are valid in your design.


Putting together the power of intention

Be absolutely clear on what you want. I think it is worth going deep to ensure your vision is bedrock solid and not, conversely, based on a flippant ego based, potentially shallow, gratification. When we are confident in our foundation our vision will be more effectively supported as we express and grow it through the logo. We can also use this baseline to check in that the logo continues to authentically express what we want and if not, adjust either accordingly to keep on target.


Remember my first point and be careful what you wish for

If just thinking good thoughts about a person can make them feel better then. we are also going to be affected by others’, as well as our own, thoughts. What you put out will surely come back in some form. Let’s be sure what we want before we begin our journey , because each of us holds the future of the world in our hands.

The connections between each of us is powerful. A logo, designed with a specific intention, enables each of us to direct this connection to create the future we want to see.


Lora Starling

Founder & Logo Designer


Lora Starling is a trailblazer and experienced designer with over 30 years of experience having run her own corporate graphic design business in London. Merging conventional design excellence with spiritual wisdom she now creates logos that enable her clients to envision and attract the future they want using the same tools as global brands.

Having worked for clients including Lloyds Banking Group, AMEC, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Boots Company, Lora has revisited and reshaped the principles of logo design since leaving her corporate role in London.

Now, Lora is passionate about working with brands, and entrepreneurs in the UK, Australia and USA to make a difference and deliver brand impact through successful visual logos. She believes that logos hold the imprint of the business spirit and conveniently and effectively build the world of imagination and our solid world of manifestation. These are imperatives for a successful business and also for everyday life which Lora achieves through helping her clients draw on everyday intuition within their lives.

Lora is also the author of three books (The Logo Decoded, Identify Yourself and Future You), with a fourth in the publishing process.

Lora Starling

Categories: Articles, Creative

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