Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen – DGNB e.V.
The DGNB German Sustainable Building Council was founded in 2007 and has more than 2000 members, making it Europe’s biggest network for sustainable building. The aim of the DGNB is to promote sustainability in the construction and real estate industry and instil awareness of building sustainability among the broader population. The DGNB is an independent non-profit organisation. Its certification system offers a planning and optimisation tool for evaluating sustainable buildings, interiors and districts. It was developed to help organisations enhance the tangible sustainability of construction projects. The DGNB system is based on the concept of holistic sustainability, placing equal emphasis on the environment, people and commercial viability. The DGNB Academy is an education and training platform that has already provided more than 8000 people from nearly 45 countries with official qualifications in sustainable building.
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