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Doctor Marketing S.p.A..

Media Innovator Awards

Winner. Winner

Doctor Marketing S.p.A.

Best Marketing Consultancy 2020 - Chile

Doctor Marketing was founded in 2008, although the initial team started working together since 2002. From
our beginnings we’ve been working with local, national and international companies from different business
areas. Together, with our clients, we developed new brands that became leaders between their clients. The
branding, marketing and communication strategies developed helped them reach a prominent positioning. Last
few years we helped specially some local companies to start using digital marketing and social media channels
as part of their media campaigns with great results. We love to partner with our clients and, as they say,
become their marketing departments

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +56 (9) 3075 6066
Address: Av. Dr. Guillermo Bühler 2051, 3rd Floor, Office 2