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Issue 8 2020.

Welcome to the August edition of Corporate Vision magazine. Your monthly source for all of the latest news and features…

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Issue 8 2020

14th August 2020

CV Issue 8 2020 cover

Welcome to the August edition of Corporate Vision magazine. Your monthly source for all of the latest news and features from across the global corporate landscape.

With lockdown restrictions gradually being lifted, businesses are starting to take the steps to normality, or as many have labelled it “the new normal”. For many, these unprecedented times have been an opportunity to truly test new business practices such as working from home or real estate agencies offering virtual tours.

Within this issue, we have accumulated a few insightful pieces together which showcases how various businesses have adapted to and overcome some of the challenges posed by the pandemic. From a leading international transport and logistics company through to an innovative green technology firm, there is an interesting mix of pieces for you to read.

For now, I hope you are all well and staying safe. As always, the team here at Corporate Vision will be here to deliver the latest features from across the corporate landscape and look forward to hearing from you.

Read Our Other Issues.

Corporate Vision is published monthly on our digital platform with the mission. Corporate Vision is published monthly on our digital platform with the mission.

CV July 2015

4th July 2016

Issue 12 2021

17th December 2021

Issue 10 2021

27th October 2021

Issue 4 2023

20th April 2023